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  1. Angus Rhoads

    Missing something or not?

    I know, and the biggest boost is down around 400Hz, not what I would have expected! For a long time I had been using the 10-band MXR with good results but last year I found this kooky JHS pedal called Haunting Mids, basically a 1-band parametric EQ for midrange. I was able to spend some time...
  2. Angus Rhoads

    Missing something or not?

    Actually the Clean/Crunch channel has the typical Marshall midrange, it's the OD channel that's different (Mid centered at 500Hz instead of usual Marshall 650Hz). I wouldn't say it sounds scooped, though, just different. Running Mid around 8 sounds more like the usual Marshall tone but you...
  3. Angus Rhoads

    What speaker are you currently using in your JVM215C?

    Really good, actually, I just like the V30 better on the OD channel and the CL80 is perfect in my JMD combo. I do prefer the CL80 on the Crunch channel but I spend more time on the OD side. I'm definitely a CL80 fan, it's like a G12T-75 with smoother highs and warmer mids. Needs to be played...
  4. Angus Rhoads

    What speaker are you currently using in your JVM215C?

    Over the years I've had the stock G12B-150, Classic Lead 80, Lynchback, Marshall-labeled "Heritage", Chinese-made Vintage 30 and UK-made Marshall-labeled "Vintage". I stuck with the "Vintage" but only slightly prefer it over the Chinese V30, and with this amp I like them both a lot better than...
  5. Angus Rhoads

    Single Speaker combo to replace VM 2266C and DSL50 - ideas?

    Well, I dunno, if you're on the same page as me music-wise I'll say this - my Marshall combos are listed in my signature and if I was forced into a situation where I could only keep one I can tell you it would come down to a tough choice between either the JVM or my JMD, the two least...
  6. Angus Rhoads

    Single Speaker combo to replace VM 2266C and DSL50 - ideas?

    I have a JVM215C. It's a great amp, crazy versatility, but if your primary concern is organic, touch-sensitivity then it may not be the best option for you. It's more on the modern, smoother, compressed side than even the DSL but especially compared to the VM. I know there are mods out there...
  7. Angus Rhoads

    JVM arrives from UK!

    That stock G12B-150 is pretty underwhelming, I agree. Pop in a Vintage 30, or better yet a Marshall-label G12 Vintage, and you'll never look back.
  8. Angus Rhoads


    Tight bottom, raw and open AND a nice big, full top-end would be the best of all worlds... :) I like them each plenty enough to keep both of them. Honestly, though, the one I play the most by far is the JMD. That thing can do anything!
  9. Angus Rhoads


    I have both. In terms of versatility the JVM is superior, hands-down. Also more gain on tap with the JVM on the OD Orange and Red modes, for sure, but for crunch to medium-gain they’re pretty similar. Different texture to the gain, though – hard to describe it but the DSL has a rougher edge...
  10. Angus Rhoads

    The Silver Jubilee Cult

    Woody AND touch sensitive? That could get messy in a hurry...
  11. Angus Rhoads

    DSL40CR vs JVM215C

    Frankly I didn't care for the sound of the stock G12B speaker. I'm running my 215C with a Marshall-labeled G12 Vintage but in the past have also had a Chinese Vintage 30 in that amp and both sound worlds better, to me anyway, than the stock speaker. To your point about chugging, I found the...
  12. Angus Rhoads

    The Silver Jubilee Cult

    Yup, me too. Does everything I like from late 60s to late 80s sounds. Has that old school, simple & direct circuit feel, like your guitar is connected right to the speaker. Sure makes you tighten up your playing, though - it's SO direct that it doesn't hide anything either!
  13. Angus Rhoads

    The Silver Jubilee Cult

    Actually I got mine used, mint condition, from GC and it's a 2018 build so it already had some hours on it. Don't know how it sounded out of the box.
  14. Angus Rhoads

    The Silver Jubilee Cult

    I agree Ken, I haven't touched my 40C since I got my Mini Jubilee either. The DSL is still a great amp but for the kinds of tones I was dialing up from it, the Jubilee just does them better. My JVM is starting to gather a little dust too, to be honest. All these years, who knew I was really a...
  15. Angus Rhoads

    What Are Your Favorite "easy" Guitar Solos

    Another gem: Neil Giraldo's solo in "Hit Me With Your Best Shot."
  16. Angus Rhoads

    The Silver Jubilee Cult

    I usually have just a reverb or analog delay pedal in the loop. I'm not sure if all Jubilee circuits react this way (I assume they do) but I've noticed that the effect is slightly stronger if I run the Output Master high and have the Lead Master at moderate volume. If I run the Lead Master...
  17. Angus Rhoads

    The 1959slp Still The King

    I remember reading, some years ago, an interview with Joe Walsh where he said that during the 70s when he was with the Eagles he and Don Felder would have Marshall stacks on stage because that's what rock bands were expected to use in concert, but that they were not plugged into them and...
  18. Angus Rhoads

    Peavey Or Fender??

    Back to thread topic - I had a number of Peavey amps, both solid state and tube, that were made in Meridian before they started outsourcing and they were all very solid amps. I had an all-tube Ranger 212 that blew away every Fender Twin I compared it to, for much less $$$.
  19. Angus Rhoads

    Peavey Or Fender??

    I think they just retired the name "American Standard" - they now have "American Professional", "Elite", "Original", and "Performer" series.
  20. Angus Rhoads

    Can I Get Some Clips Of The "bees" And The "fizz" People Talk About?

    I've always thought the beginning of "I'm The One" from Van Halen I sounds fizzy, but I don't know if that's the kind of fizz other people are talking about.

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