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  1. O

    What kind of Delays are you guys using in your DSL effects loop?

    Nothing to be embarrassed about. I think you're doing it right. The famous Marshall sounds that use effects we are all familiar with, EVH being a prime example, are with pedals into the front of the amp. There is a certain magic that happens when the analog effects interact with the first tube...
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    Curly Maple Marshall SL-5 build

    Holy cow, this is like hand-building a Rolls Royce chassis/body and installing a Fiat engine & drivetrain. Respect to your woodworking skills, though.
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    The horrible truth about Marshall amps that no one talks about

    That not what I've found with mine. The key to the best Origin tones are by cranking the Master Volume above 12-O'clock. Much like original Plexis and most Fenders the best tones are with the power tubes working harder. This makes it a friggin loud amp for home use but it offers hi, med, and low...
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    Help guys!....My Origin 20c just went dead...

    It is counter-intuitive but when running in medium or low power modes, the preamp tube plate voltages are increased due to less power draw on the power tubes. These plate voltage increases are all well within a 12AX7's (ECC83) normal operating range so should not lead to any type of failures. It...
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    Relic'd Guitars are for Posers

    Of course, organic wear on a vintage instrument is preferable if you can afford it. Remember that along the 40-50 years of active playing there was likely plenty of heartache from the first scratches and dings. And many vintage instruments have been refinished or had hardware replaced because...
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    Anyone know what this is?

    It is a 15 picofarad ceramic capacitor that was accidentally dropped into chassis during assembly or service. It's worth about 25 cents. Turn it into an ear ring and it might be worth more.
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    Fender 1965 twin reverb pricing ?

    A great price doesn't matter if you don't have the proper venue to use a loud powerful amp like a Twin. I'm surprised at what some people are asking on Reverb for Twins since there are very few settings today where that much power is practical. I suppose it still has a place at an outdoor show...
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    Western Electric considering adding more tubes to their current USA production

    I filled out their survey a couple days ago. Knowing that they will likely cost more, I suggested they focus on quality and copying the famous vintage tubes people are already paying big money for. If you knew their 12AX7 and EL34 were as resilient and sounded as good as original UK-made...
  9. O

    What pedal to get?

    You've done your homework and already seem to have a better understanding of various Marshall-style drive pedals than most people. I've wondered what specific amp these pedals were designed to make sound like a Marshall. They surely do a better job with some amps than others. I'd assume these...

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