Calm attitude to driving? What's it like where you are?

  • Thread starter TheKman76
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Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2019
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Buda, Tejas
I drive the same in America as I did in Germany. Turn signals, no phone, no eating, use the left lane for passing only regardless of speed. Given the rural toll roads in Texas and my drive home; there's rarely a week where I haven't exceeded 100mph at some point. No accidents or tickets in 25 years and no road rage. Lots of clueless distracted drivers out there. Contracters are the worst in the morning, always on the phone.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2023
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Melbourne, Australia.
I've clearly hit a nerve here. Seeing lots of common threads.

@PelliX Can't say I've ever noticed that, but I'ma look out for it this summer.

We have our problems, but I never see the crazy stuff recorded in other places.
I'm glad there are places in the world that still share some sanity.

"80, its a limit,
not a challenge"
For context that's 80km/h, about 50mph.

No one knows what to do anymore at a 4-way stop sign. I should record 15 mins of it sometime, it's hilarious.
We don't even have these anymore because they caused too many accidents.

I was watching a series of dash cam clips recently and at least 10 of them were drivers absolutely refusing to allow someone to merge. Now, I understand the right-of-way thing, but honestly it looks more like being righteous than right. I just don't understand the need to be a righteous a*****e about it. I watched one with audio of the drivers wife begging the driver to let them in and he flat refused to. I've been driving for thirty years and never seen anything even remotely close to this in person.

Don't we all just want to get home safe? Skip the drama and see our families?

I'll never forget a trip to S.E. Asia and seeing driving attitudes in Thailand. I'd swear they painted lines on the road just to keep the line painters in work. Nobody paid any attention to lines, signs, lights, nothing. But, not a single horn is used in anger, no hustling for position, no cutting each other off, no posturing... just the most unbelievably relaxed people you've ever seen. Everyone got to where they were going, nobody got upset about being 12 seconds late.


AKA "Vinnie the Tits".
VIP Member
Oct 19, 2012
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Currently living in a van down by the river.
I've clearly hit a nerve here. Seeing lots of common threads.

@PelliX Can't say I've ever noticed that, but I'ma look out for it this summer.

I'm glad there are places in the world that still share some sanity.

For context that's 80km/h, about 50mph.

We don't even have these anymore because they caused too many accidents.

I was watching a series of dash cam clips recently and at least 10 of them were drivers absolutely refusing to allow someone to merge. Now, I understand the right-of-way thing, but honestly it looks more like being righteous than right. I just don't understand the need to be a righteous a*****e about it. I watched one with audio of the drivers wife begging the driver to let them in and he flat refused to. I've been driving for thirty years and never seen anything even remotely close to this in person.

Don't we all just want to get home safe? Skip the drama and see our families?

I'll never forget a trip to S.E. Asia and seeing driving attitudes in Thailand. I'd swear they painted lines on the road just to keep the line painters in work. Nobody paid any attention to lines, signs, lights, nothing. But, not a single horn is used in anger, no hustling for position, no cutting each other off, no posturing... just the most unbelievably relaxed people you've ever seen. Everyone got to where they were going, nobody got upset about being 12 seconds late.
I'll let anyone in front of me. I'll hold up traffic behind me to let 18 wheel trucks in front of me. That's what you're suppose to do, whether you like it or not. And really, it's just common courtesy - an art that's been lost since the 90's.

However, what I won't do, is let anyone in front of me who refuses to use their turn signal, and keeps trying to edge their way in. Nope. I'm just not gonna be courteous: you either don't know how to drive, or you think you're entitled. I look at it like this: "hey man, I'm in my lane. If you have a merge sign, how TF do I know what you're doing unless you give me your signal? Otherwise, I think you're trying to cut me off". ASK first. That's all you need to do. "Ask and you shall receive".

You guys who don't use your turn signals deserve what you get. NO one is excused from the rules of driving. Start using your turn signal, and see how much better other drivers treat you.


AKA "Vinnie the Tits".
VIP Member
Oct 19, 2012
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Currently living in a van down by the river.
Another thing:
People! Please get up 5 minutes earlier for work and quit doing 85mph in a 60 zone! Better yet, get up 30+ minutes earlier and have breakfast with your family, instead of rushing off to Dunkin' Donuts, McDonald's, or the convenience store every morning.

= Vinpreach. :yesway:


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2021
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Funny you should ask.

Lost my shit SEVERAL times today,and very much justified.

Hateful women mostly.
Phones evidently make ppl really stupid,especially behind the wheel.

They almost cause an unnecessary accident by pulling out when NOBODY is behind me,only to take the next right ,without a blinker.

Or how they park at the gas pump,when they aren't getting fuel,. Then sit there for 4 extra minutes texting,again not getting fuel,not caring who's waiting.

Ppl who can't turn the steering wheel when pulling out,too much effort apparently. They need 90 ' to turn a circle.

Or the a holes that speed up in the other lane and think they're gonna cut in at the last second, screwing everyone over. Probably because they're too important to get in the correct lane to begin with.

In my area,
There are way too many douchebags,that know they are doing douchy things,but do them anyway.
I swear they leave the house wondering how they can be as selfish/hateful as possible on the roadways.

I fantasize about the old days, when you could just throw FN down right there, yielding instant results !

These days, there are too many pussies with big pie holes,and not nearly enough nut to get out of the car.

I feel better.
Thanks OP !


AKA "Vinnie the Tits".
VIP Member
Oct 19, 2012
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Currently living in a van down by the river.
Funny you should ask.

Lost my shit SEVERAL times today,and very much justified.

Hateful women mostly.
Phones evidently make ppl really stupid,especially behind the wheel.

They almost cause an unnecessary accident by pulling out when NOBODY is behind me,only to take the next right ,without a blinker.

Or how they park at the gas pump,when they aren't getting fuel,. Then sit there for 4 extra minutes texting,again not getting fuel,not caring who's waiting.

Ppl who can't turn the steering wheel when pulling out,too much effort apparently. They need 90 ' to turn a circle.

Or the a holes that speed up in the other lane and think they're gonna cut in at the last second, screwing everyone over. Probably because they're too important to get in the correct lane to begin with.

In my area,
There are way too many douchebags,that know they are doing douchy things,but do them anyway.
I swear they leave the house wondering how they can be as selfish/hateful as possible on the roadways.

I fantasize about the old days, when you could just throw FN down right there, yielding instant results !

These days, there are too many pussies with big pie holes,and not nearly enough nut to get out of the car.

I feel better.
Thanks OP !
Right-on, DD! :yesway:


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2023
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Pretty bad here.

Excessive speeding, aggressively cutting other people off, lack of concern for the rest of the drivers, barely any signals, except for hand signals of just the middle finger, radio too loud, screaming obscenities at other drivers, constantly jumping from one lane to the next in the blink of an eye. etc...etc...

And that's just me. :D


AKA "Vinnie the Tits".
VIP Member
Oct 19, 2012
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Currently living in a van down by the river.
Last week my wife and I got cut off by a driver in the right lane moving left into our lane, and there were two choices:

1. Get hit by the driver cutting us off.
2. Hit an oncoming cement truck head-on.

Fortunately, the cement truck driver must have seen what was happening, and hit the brakes. Otherwise, the Vinsanitizer might be singing with a different choir today.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2023
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Melbourne, Australia.
I'll let anyone in front of me. I'll hold up traffic behind me to let 18 wheel trucks in front of me. That's what you're suppose to do, whether you like it or not. And really, it's just common courtesy - an art that's been lost since the 90's.

I feel better.
Thanks OP !




Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2017
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Retards on the road here, native Marylanders are the stupidest drivers. They stop at green lights, go at red lights, dont stop at stop signs and dont use their blinkers, not to mention they drive slow as $h!t. My theory is they dont have mental hospitals here, that they put the mentally ill in a car with a full tank and let them drive round and round! Its just mind boggling for the wealthiest and most educated state in the country! :shrug:

If you're in Maryland, then I'm sure you're well aware that it's a toss-up between New York and New Jersey for the #1 spot in the country, lol.

Mitchell Pearrow

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Jul 2, 2018
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Moreno Valley CA
I have been commuting to and from
West Hollywood on a daily basis since May.
I live just east of Riverside.
It is a 70 mile one way drive, I have seen all that has been mentioned in this thread, and then some.

The ones that really bug me are the ones trying to maintain 90 mph,, when it’s impossible to do so.. they are the ones that cause the majority of the accidents that happen.

Dogs of Doom

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Aug 2, 2012
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Los Angeles
yep, when all the lanes are going ______ MPH, you need to accept that you will be going that same MPH as well as everybody. Whether the freeway is going 10 MPH, 70 MPH or anywhere inbetween, it's only safe to go w/ the flow...

I miss the traffic signs they used to have when we were younger w/ a minimum speed limit also. Like Speed Limit 65 MPH, (minimum 50 MPH)

That other extreme is more dangerous too, when they get on the freeway going 35 MPH, & the freeway traffic are going 65 MPH in the slow lane & they lead a whole line of cars on, after them at 35 MPH...


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2010
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All I will say is that, here in Portlandia, there seems like more of the " I really should not be on the road" folks operating a dangerous piece of equipment. Due to total boredom after retirement I now drive cars for a large BMW dealership. I really can't believe the stuff I see, total distraction, people on their phones checking their "likes" or what ever I guess. Too many to distracted to be driving safely imho!


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2013
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Traverse City, Mi.
This is another thread that makes me glad I live where I do. It ain't perfect but sure sounds like other people are dealing with some problems we don't have here.

Article about the heat ramping up road rage in Texas- can you even imagine getting so pissed off you shoot somebody over merging or getting cut off? Some crazy a-holes out there.

2022 US has 141 fatal road rage shootings

Of course it's not just road rage. Saw the other day a seven year old was shot in Fla. over a Jetski dispute.


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2023
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You think it's bad now? Just wait. Unless anyone hasn't noticed what's happening here and abroad. Bad drivers and road rage will probably be the least of everyone's worries.


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2020
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Article about the heat ramping up road rage in Texas- can you even imagine getting so pissed off you shoot somebody over merging or getting cut off? Some crazy a-holes out there.

Yes, I had a guy literally ram me full throttle from behind while I was cycling (through a cramped neighborhood). Fortunately I bounced off a parked car to the side of the road, the bike was totalled though. First he revved the engine and honked, to which I turned around an apologetically shrugged, indicating "sorry mate, there just isn't enough room... no can do". Add to that that I was 14 at the time, so hardly a "fair match", let alone on a frigging pushbike. Another time A guy on a moped did roughly the same to me because he wanted to (incorrectly) utilize the cycle path and I flew against a bus stop. Good thing the sides are made of plastic on that type.

2022 US has 141 fatal road rage shootings

Of course it's not just road rage. Saw the other day a seven year old was shot in Fla. over a Jetski dispute.

"Can heat increase road rage incidents?
Heat can contribute to road rage incidents, Richardson says. When heat taxes people’s bodies, their performance on various tasks and overall coping mechanisms also suffer, studies show. Extreme heat is linked to increased aggression, lower cognitive ability and lower productivity, according to a report from ScienceNews."

Well, that confirms my suspicion, lol.

Scumback Speakers

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Sep 16, 2016
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Los Angeles, Ca
I went back to SoCal two weeks ago to buy a car. I drove 135 miles over two days. That took 6 hours in NON prime time traffic. I was happy to drive that Audi A8 L back to rocket speeds to AZ early Saturday morning at 4:10. 3 pit stops to piss, fill the tank and I was back home to Prescott, AZ (389 miles later) in 5.5 hours.

Up here it's way more laid back. Phoenix, LA, etc...fuggedaboutit.


Senior Moderator
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Feb 5, 2009
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It's not too bad around here. Some agressive drivers and speeders. The occasional minor road rage incident. Tourist season is obviously worse just because roads get crowded. Decent all in all.
TBH- I have been a pretty bad speeder at times in my life but am getting to be a little easier going.

Pet peeve around here is people refuse to turn their brights off. Metro Detroit people dimmed lights immediately but around here I'm always flashing people.

We get over-confident drivers in winter. Frequently somebody in a pickup/suv- wheels get out of the snow ruts and they go off the road or into oncoming traffic. People don't realize how important tires are for winter driving.
The flip side is we also have some drivers trying to navigate with two wheel drive and balding tread.

We're on the opposite side of the state from you (pretty much straight across, actually), but the experience here basically mirrors yours. Most of the year is fine, but once the tourists head up during the summer, it turns into an absolute nightmare at times. I'm not sure why this is, but in recent years, a vast majority of the driving nightmares come at the hands of women behind the wheel. It's just pure road rage on steroids.