Calm attitude to driving? What's it like where you are?

  • Thread starter TheKman76
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Mar 4, 2013
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Here in DC, during breaks in the gunfire, people are so engrossed in their phones and texting that it’s nearly impossible to get anywhere. I commute to work via bicycle to avoid the nonsense.


Jul 25, 2018
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5th dimension cosmic state
I live in Australia and we have a system for young drivers to learn which includes two years of only accompanied driving with a fully licensed passenger/instructor. I've been watching Youtube dash cam videos with my 16yo as they're *very* instructive in the art of what *not* to do behind the wheel. Putting side the utter stupidity of some people, it appears to me that a lot of the trouble we've watched could be saved with the judicious application of patience.

Where I live we're accustomed to the constant slow movement of traffic and through five days a week of two-way peak-hour I could go weeks as a time without observing a single aggressive driver. Personally I seek out the nearest and largest trucks to follow, just because they tend to move at a more consistent speed. If I had 10 gears to sort though I'd be consistent too! Respect to the truckies (truckers for you Americans) out there by the way.

The very few things that get me worked up are usually around basic courteous... merging badly, idling in the fast lane, lack of indicators, simple stuff that everyone should be able to do well.

What's it like where you are?


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2021
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So. Cali is the Wild West of driving. Freeways and rude drivers abound as everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere, especially on Friday evening. Flip someone off at your peril as they may shoot you for doing so.
I couldn't imagine LA traffic on a good day.
Nor NY, NJ, or even Boston
F that !
Gridlock to me is waiting through 3 redlights


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May 14, 2014
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Western Washington is pretty bad, the area has been overwhelmed by drivers who apparently did not receive any kind of driver training, and an awful lot who apparently don’t speak the language, so road signs don’t mean a thing to them.


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2014
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Rural southeastern Ohio
Rural SE Ohio - pretty chill. I live in a county with a little over 30k people and I think there a 7 stoplights - all but one in the county seat. Two-lane, hilly and curvy roads without much traffic. Biggest problem is people not paying attention - phones these days.

I’ve been driving for 45 years and been in 4 accidents. The other drivers were cited in each case. I focus on driving when I’m behind the wheel, usually both hands and at the speed limit. I do have a C6 Corvette that sometimes creeps a bit above, but not too crazy. I always try to be a competent, patient and courteous driver,.. always use turn signals and never tail gate.

Stay safe!


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Dec 29, 2014
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Northern Ireland here. Standards of driving are poor despite tougher driving test restrictions. When you pass your test you are on R plates and can only drive 45mph max. Fine on dual carriageway but majority of our roads are still single carriageway which means on a 60mph you are stuck at 45.

Same with lorries, speed limit of 40mph on a 60mph road. So we end up with long strings of traffic going opposite directions so very little opportunity to overtake. It’s incredibly frustrating. My commute to work is 1 hour but if it was dual carriageway with a 70mph speed limit it would only be 35-40mins. I just sit back and drink my coffee but others can lose patience and become dangerous.

Some people are so courteous they will stop on a main A road to let others out of a junction - incredibly dangerous despite being well meaning.

We also share the road with agricultural vehicles owned by small holding farmers. They are the worst. They are supposed to pull in when a queue develops behind them, many don’t. They are all on their phones, especially the younger ones, not paying attention. On country single lane roads they are flying with full trailers of grass and struggle to stop for traffic.

As a motorcyclist many all of our roads have houses directly connected to the main road, and loads of backroad junctions. This makes it very risky to get a decent speed up on a sportsbike, anyone can jump out on you at any time. You learn to be very observant very quickly 🫣


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Jan 29, 2019
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At least in most countries there are repercussions if one drives recklessly and causes a serious accident. So this, hopefully along with people realizing how dangerous irresponsible driving can be, makes drivers more responsible..

Here in Greece things are different. No matter the circumstances, drivers never go to jail as the law only dictates a fine, or jail time you can pay for (or not if you choose so). So literally there are drivers that were driving drunk 100 mph within the city, crossed many a red lights, killed two people, then left the scene.. When later arrested, they are home the next day, and if they don't have things in their name, the victims families don't even get any compensation. It isn't even compulsory to attend their own trial.. There are occasions where people have caused deaths in three-four separate accidents, they still drive.. Greece 2023...

So you can imagine how people drive here from the laws they make on the subject.. Almost everyone has been in accidents over the years, or has lost people (I've lost two good friends..)


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Apr 23, 2010
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On the back 9
I noticed a big difference when I moved from suburbia to a much more rural location, with a generally older population. I now struggle with the "dog eat dog" attitude of rush hour driving, if I have to go back to suburbia. I now find myself stuck behind some old stick who cannot judge how wide their vehicle is and stops at every parked car....and breathe. :cool:


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2020
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Here in Greece things are different. No matter the circumstances, drivers never go to jail as the law only dictates a fine, or jail time you can pay for (or not if you choose so).

Two ends of the spectrum; I've been stopped by the police for "smoking while cycling" and "having a plastic bag hanging from the handlebars". I honestly though the first one was a joke until I realized they were serious. Note that both ended in a warning, so I guess there's some sanity left. As for "dangerous driving", there's a simple law that states you may not do things that endanger others - which is obviously increadibly open to interpretation. That's a good thing in a way, but it also depends on the officers in question naturally. If you drive 90 where the speedlimit is 100, you can lose your license based on that law as you're not "predictable" for other drivers. If you turn an indicator on too early; same thing. Ironically, if you "forget" to you use your indicator it's just a fine.

Judging by the maniacs around me, there seems to be an enforcement issue somewhere... :scratch:


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2021
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I focus on driving when I’m behind the wheel, usually both hands and at the speed limit. I do have a C6 Corvette that sometimes creeps a bit above, but not too crazy.

Stay safe!

C6 , your grocery getter?
Creeps a bit above huh ?
Im sure only just a little bit.👌
200 mph car.
You're so full of it, your eyes are brown.

Two ends of the spectrum; I've been stopped by the police for "smoking while cycling" and "having a plastic bag hanging from the handlebars". I honestly though the first one was a joke until I realized they were serious. Note that both ended in a warning, so I guess there's some sanity left. As for "dangerous driving", there's a simple law that states you may not do things that endanger others - which is obviously increadibly open to interpretation. That's a good thing in a way, but it also depends on the officers in question naturally. If you drive 90 where the speedlimit is 100, you can lose your license based on that law as you're not "predictable" for other drivers. If you turn an indicator on too early; same thing. Ironically, if you "forget" to you use your indicator it's just a fine.

Judging by the maniacs around me, there seems to be an enforcement issue somewhere... :scratch:

Smoking while cycling?
Were you smoking a bong?
Why would smoking matter, potential fire?
Plastic bag ?
What was their logic behind this?
Funny what's important these days,and what is not.


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2020
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Smoking while cycling?
Were you smoking a bong?
Why would smoking matter, potential fire?

Nah, just a regular cigarette. The logic is the same as in Belgium where you're not allowed to do anything while driving that could impact your ability to respond to a situation. Smoking, sipping a drink, changing station. I know of people who've been fined there for drinking at the wheel (not alcohol, just regular drinks). I initially assumed the problem was littering - it's not as if I kept an ashtray on the handlebars, right - but I was wrong.

Plastic bag ?
What was their logic behind this?
Funny what's important these days,and what is not.

It's not "intended to transport items" like that. I explained that it was a delicate piece of electronics and I didn't comfortable with it on the back rack. When I look back on this I do admit that it was a rather juvenile reaction, but I removed the bag from the handlebars and after ending the conversation cycled off with the handles of the bag between my teeth. Seemingly this is allowed. Needless to say I put it back where it was as soon as I was out of sight.

An old friend of mine got a ticket once for cycling too fast; he borrowed a real "race" bike from a guy as in the full monty; carbon fibre frame, the super light wheels, you name it. He overtook a police car and they stopped him and informed him that there's a 30km/h speed limit on the cycle path. His response; "I have no idea how fast I was going, no speedometer - when did this become compulsory?". Despite the fat lip he didn't get fined. I reckon that cop was just jealous or something, haha!

Morale of the story; don't poke the bear and don't push the limits beyond reason. As for the bong, well, I've asked a cop in Amsterdam for a light, holding a joint. And got it. Idiots on the road, idiots in law enforcement. Idiots come in all shapes, colours and sizes. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2014
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Rural southeastern Ohio
More than 20 MPH over the speed limit may be a forfeiture of your driver’s license… so I’m conscious of that. I got a new set of Michelin Pilot Sports put on in June - great tires by the way. I live in an area with some great motorcycle/driving roads. The Triple Nickel (Ohio St.Rt. 555) is probably the most well known, but the are many others. An exciting drive is not only about top speed.


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Jul 29, 2020
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Mrmadd on Soundcloud has 2 songs this type of subject has inspired.

Dipper Jo Asshole

Anonymous Mentality


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2020
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Dipper Jo Asshole lyrics....
"Assholes, everywhere you go, Assholes Assholes all around me."

Inspired lyrics one day when stuck in aggressive traffic!


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2020
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Anonymous Mentality is more about the idea that someone in thier car/truck is anonymous and can behave in any ill manner they wish to
without identity.
If you knew your were running your mother or uncle or good friend off the road while in a driving panic, would you do it?

Why would you do it to another human you don"t know.
Would you really want to hurt or kill someone with your car or truck or boat.

Would you care.
Would you care too late.
What if it wer someone you loved.
Would you care too late.


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2020
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Maybe cell phone companies should be brought into court a sewed for user negligence on a regular basis.

Something needs to be done about the cell phones.


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2020
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I got subject matter for another lyrics, shopping from the middle lane of the 3 wide hyway on "Home Depot/Ihop" blvd.