Clippers Owner Donald Sterling Talks To Girlfriend

  • Thread starter BlackSG91
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Nov 28, 2010
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Oh yeah, the one thing I would do if I was Don is issue jersi's that have the exact same print on the inside so if/when the dumb phucks reverse them again they are up shits creek. Well then again they probably wouldn't even realize it:hmm:


In Memorandum
Aug 21, 2013
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Old Foothill Farms, Califusa
TMZ ganging up on the white man again. They broke this story btw.
Beware America: TMZ is ganging up on non-gays, and white people who are successful.
Abort that show if you want America to survive.
Oh yes, it's so tough being a white male in America these days. That's why so many white men are trying to pass as other races.



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Jul 20, 2010
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He didn't say don't bring black people to my games. He told her not to bring her boyfriends to his games and embarass him in front of everyone. I listened carefully to what he said.

BTW isn't this woman black?


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Jul 9, 2010
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Dixie Hollow
For what it is worth (and I am sure not much), I don't think this is the end of it at all and I think the NBA, other coaches and team owners my be opening a can of worms that is going to back fire real hard on them IF Don decides to tear them all a new asshole, why do I say this? Well, I spoke to a few of my friends who happen to be lawyers in this area of discrimination (two of which practice in CA) and they made the following comments:

1. It is absolutely illegal to record anyone in CA w/o their knowing it and consent (apparently these or some of these recordings happened in CA) and some so called verbal agreement is not legit in a court, hear say.
2. Don said these comments behind closed doors NOT out in public or to the media.
3. He said these comments to his so called GF.
4. These are his opinions which in America we still have the right to (for now anyway).
5. It would be very easy to argue in court that there is not (1) player, coach, team owner or NBA board member who can say they have never made a racist comment, remark or joke in their life, impossible.
6. If this goes to far, the actions used on Don could be then used on them, they should be very careful here and watch out for what they wish for, the table could be turned on them at some point.

So their legal opinion is that if Don goes after them down the road, it could get real ugly for the NBA, board members and other team owners...

I guess it will be fun to watch and see?'s not even about race anymore (& really wasn't 5 minutes after the story broke) it's about freedom.
freedom of speech,opinion,etc.
freedom of privacy
freedom of Capitalism as an owner of any business sees fit and a whole lot more freedoms which are going the way of the dodo thanks to all the freakin' whiners out there.



In Memorandum
Aug 21, 2013
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Old Foothill Farms, Califusa
Who's whining, now?
Perhaps you confuse constitutional freedoms with privilege. Donny boy has enjoyed privilege for a long time. His wealth affords him quite a bit of slack for bad behavior. His banishment looks to put 3/4 of a billion bucks in his pocket, with which he can indulge whatever non-sports fantasies he has. No one forced him to own an NBA team. When he bought it, he agreed to abide by their governance.
If an entrepreneur has fed a little fuel to the fire, in order to leverage an advantageous buy-out, that's called sharp business, if he's white, but if it turns out to be Magic, or some other African-American businessperson, I can predict the spew we'll be reading here.
Just sayin'.


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Nov 19, 2010
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Who's whining, now?
Perhaps you confuse constitutional freedoms with privilege. Donny boy has enjoyed privilege for a long time. His wealth affords him quite a bit of slack for bad behavior. His banishment looks to put 3/4 of a billion bucks in his pocket, with which he can indulge whatever non-sports fantasies he has. No one forced him to own an NBA team. When he bought it, he agreed to abide by their governance.
If an entrepreneur has fed a little fuel to the fire, in order to leverage an advantageous buy-out, that's called sharp business, if he's white, but if it turns out to be Magic, or some other African-American businessperson, I can predict the spew we'll be reading here.
Just sayin'.

i agree with everything except the bold. its pretty dispicable behavior no matter the color of said businessmans skin.

i think we have a deluded or maybe even perverted sense of what "sharp business" practices are. in life its sort of implied that a 'good person' has character is honest and generally good-willed and all the other associated niceties. but in business, these same qualities are a weakness and a detriment to ones survival in that business. and there is a similar implication that these men are to be admired, and honored and similar niceties.

is it me, or is there a blatant disconnect and contradiction between a "good man" and a "good business man"? rhetorical. the answer is obvious.

i dont know if im making my point clearly or not, but i have real difficulty reconciling these two opposing forces.

fwiw, i believe both men (the black one and the white in this case) are skillfully leveraging each other for the win. sterling cant lose. his bad behavior only makes the price of his franchise go up. i believe he has been preparing to sell for some time now. but there is no way hes going to let on that fact even if everyone suspects it.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2010
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And yet three black men killed a white Aussie jogger because they were "bored" and this basketball crap gets more attention as being RACIST????

Can see where the media lies in all of this.........The White house .....DOJ.....ECT......

Well, that's just the point of whats wrong in America and the point many of us are making and feed up with. Some races can do and say whatever they want with no retributions and others get nailed to the cross. It's time this shit stops but it won't until some races stand up for themselves, are proud of what they are and stick together and say enough is enough. If you want equality then everyone will be treated equal and there will be no special groups, handouts, loans and lower civil test scores to get a job...


Active Member
Jul 20, 2010
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Of course it's OK for black folks to say what they like about white folks I see. Hypocrite much? No Snoop you are a racist bitch. NSFW
[ame=]Snoop Dogg Response To Clippers Owner Donald Sterling - YouTube[/ame]


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2010
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Minneapolis, MN
what if sterling is more clever than he lets on?

you dont become a billionaire by being a nice guy, or a sucker.

he has managed to put this team in a peak position to be sold. they are legit contenders for the first time in their history. (previously they have made it to 2 playoff rounds in their entire existence). i doubt thats an accident is all im saying.

edit: also note the lakers have hit rock bottom, as far as a competitive team goes. their ratings may still be higher, but that will likely always be the case...its like yankees/mets. you couldnt script a better time for the clippers to assert themselves into fans conciousness.

You want conspiracy? I blame Oprah. :lol:

Oprah Winfrey among group considering bid to buy Los Angeles Clippers - ESPN Los Angeles

Or, maybe she is just going to get screwed on this deal, like when she started her own network. :hmm: No, you can never lose money buying a franchise sport team.


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Nov 19, 2010
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haha i heard about O today.

theyre just lining up around the block for a shot at this team eh?

1.3B. watch it happen...


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Nov 19, 2010
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marshall dog, vanr, yikes guys. you sound kinda cringy...if your ancestors were sold into slavery by the black man 200 yrs ago, youd have something to complain about too.

just b/c things have changed doesnt mean you can ignore history. it cuts both ways...but lets face it, being white youve been born into privaledge to some extent, whether you recognize it or not.

im thoroughly convinced if i were a black man alive today, id be an angry one too.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2010
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marshall dog, vanr, yikes guys. you sound kinda cringy...if your ancestors were sold into slavery by the black man 200 yrs ago, youd have something to complain about too.

just b/c things have changed doesnt mean you can ignore history. it cuts both ways...but lets face it, being white youve been born into privaledge to some extent, whether you recognize it or not.

im thoroughly convinced if i were a black man alive today, id be an angry one too.

Your right, the one thing I would be angry about is WHY did my own people sell my ass into slavery??? It's funny how Americans can talk out both sides of their mouths when it fits their dazed and confused ideas. For example, they want the law to go after drug dealers and blame drug dealers for selling drugs which mess people up but yet these same Americans blame their own for buying slaves and never once mention or speak about how horrible their own people were to sell them out really, WTF, if they weren't sold they would not have been bought and I'm quite sure Americans would not have been able to go over there and steal them, it's horrible in all directions but the finger always gets pointed in only one. Oh and if any black person is upset about what happened 200 years ago and can't get over it and move on (like most other races have with their difficulties) they can always move the **** out of America to a better Country, choice is there's, just stop the bitching and the bad attitude...there is no one alive today that owned a slave and there aren't any salve owners around today either.


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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This topic is boring as $h!t, I couldn't get halfway through this thread. Who gives a fvck.


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2013
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Inside Ming Ming's Magic Stink Box
Here is something even worse...discrimination against people with mental or physical disorders.:( Jahmel Binion of Madison Heights, Michigan has a rare disorder called ectodermal dysplasia, a condition characterized by a reduced ability to sweat, missing teeth and abnormal hair growth. He posted a 'selfie' on Instagram. He has been teased by none other than Shaquille O'Neal on an Instagram account.:( I think discrimination against people with mental disorders are even more rampant. I know how it feels because I have a mental disorder and people laugh at me like I'm someone stupid which I'm not...people are so fvcking ignorant these days & where they got off thinking they are better than you because you have a condition they don't understand. Get off your fvcking high horses and start acting like a human being FFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:

[ame=]Michigan man's Instagram 'selfie' mocked by celebrities on social media - YouTube[/ame]


Well-Known Member
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Nov 19, 2010
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Your right, the one thing I would be angry about is WHY did my own people sell my ass into slavery??? It's funny how Americans can talk out both sides of their mouths when it fits their dazed and confused ideas. For example, they want the law to go after drug dealers and blame drug dealers for selling drugs which mess people up but yet these same Americans blame their own for buying slaves and never once mention or speak about how horrible their own people were to sell them out really, WTF, if they weren't sold they would not have been bought and I'm quite sure Americans would not have been able to go over there and steal them, it's horrible in all directions but the finger always gets pointed in only one. Oh and if any black person is upset about what happened 200 years ago and can't get over it and move on (like most other races have with their difficulties) they can always move the **** out of America to a better Country, choice is there's, just stop the bitching and the bad attitude...there is no one alive today that owned a slave and there aren't any salve owners around today either.

i think maybe you misunderstood. i meant if whites were forced into slavery 200 yrs ago, and america was dominated by the black man, youd be angry too. simple. truth.

but, this is heading down a road i dont want anything to do with, so...thats all from me on this particular tangent. sorry i brought it up at all...:yesway:


Active Member
Jul 20, 2010
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marshall dog, vanr, yikes guys. you sound kinda cringy...if your ancestors were sold into slavery by the black man 200 yrs ago, youd have something to complain about too.

just b/c things have changed doesnt mean you can ignore history. it cuts both ways...but lets face it, being white youve been born into privaledge to some extent, whether you recognize it or not.

im thoroughly convinced if i were a black man alive today, id be an angry one too.

It's not my fault that the black tribal leaders sold their people into slavery. I wasn't there. I take no responsibility for something I didn't do. But if you introduce me to one person who was a slave and I will apologize. Crickets..... My point is slavery has been done for 150 years now. All you have now is a group of people who were never slaves who use it's memory (they keep that memory stirred up too) to benefit themselves.

What we are seeing today is a small fraction of the push-back from white people. They are tired of always being called Racist.

I remember Al Sharpton telling us how the black people were great engineers and built the pyramids in Egypt. So if that is true then that means they were the ones who had the white Jewish people as slaves then too huh? Funny he didn't talk about that part. I don't hear the Jews constantly whining about the Egyptians, who were black according to Sharpton) holding them as slaves. He who has no sin should cast the first stone.

The first owner of a black slave in America was Anthony Johnson. A black man. Can't get past that history either.
At it's peak in America only 8% of Americans owned slaves. So much for all those evil white folks that owned slaves.

Besides my people didn't even come to America until 1870 so I can't even be blamed for slavery in any way.