Clippers Owner Donald Sterling Talks To Girlfriend

  • Thread starter BlackSG91
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Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2010
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Minneapolis, MN
i think maybe you misunderstood. i meant if whites were forced into slavery 200 yrs ago, and america was dominated by the black man, youd be angry too. simple. truth.

but, this is heading down a road i dont want anything to do with, so...thats all from me on this particular tangent. sorry i brought it up at all...:yesway:

Yeah, this seems to be about to get as heated as the "evil" P&R. I find it can make for some good discussion, but see it getting out of control soon. Getting the popcorn.


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Nov 19, 2010
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It's boring because you're a fvcking idiot and who gives a shit what you say anyway!:yesway: You come across as some self-serving moron who only cares about your own interests and nobody elses...personally I can't stand you A-hole! I'm just being honest fvcktard!:wave:


easy there big fella! :D


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2010
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Minneapolis, MN
I remember Al Sharpton telling us how the black people were great engineers and built the pyramids in Egypt. So if that is true then that means they were the ones who had the white Jewish people as slaves then too huh? Funny he didn't talk about that part. I don't hear the Jews constantly whining about the Egyptians, who were black according to Sharpton) holding them as slaves. He who has no sin should cast the first stone.

I do have to give you a :yesway: for this. Sharpton has made more money off of keeping race an issue than just about anyone. Fricking snitch! :lol:


Active Member
Jul 20, 2010
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marshall dog, vanr, yikes guys. you sound kinda cringy...if your ancestors were sold into slavery by the black man 200 yrs ago, youd have something to complain about too.

just b/c things have changed doesnt mean you can ignore history. it cuts both ways...but lets face it, being white youve been born into privaledge to some extent, whether you recognize it or not.

im thoroughly convinced if i were a black man alive today, id be an angry one too.

Besides if you want to talk about discrimination do a little research of the way the Irish (my people) were treated when we came here from Ireland.


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Jul 25, 2013
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Inside Ming Ming's Magic Stink Box
Besides if you want to talk about discrimination do a little research of the way the Irish (my people) were treated when we came here from Ireland.

I remember from the movie 'The Commitments' that the Irish are the blacks amongst Europeans. Especially because they are Catholic and suppressed by the Protestant British overlords. BTW, I was born and raised Catholic myself.;):wave:

[ame=]Irish are the ******s of Europe? Reginald D Hunter - YouTube[/ame]


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2010
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Here is something even worse...discrimination against people with mental or physical disorders.:( Jahmel Binion of Madison Heights, Michigan has a rare disorder called ectodermal dysplasia, a condition characterized by a reduced ability to sweat, missing teeth and abnormal hair growth. He posted a 'selfie' on Instagram. He has been teased by none other than Shaquille O'Neal on an Instagram account.:( I think discrimination against people with mental disorders are even more rampant. I know how it feels because I have a mental disorder and people laugh at me like I'm someone stupid which I'm not...people are so fvcking ignorant these days & where they got off thinking they are better than you because you have a condition they don't understand. Get off your fvcking high horses and start acting like a human being FFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:

Michigan man's Instagram 'selfie' mocked by celebrities on social media - YouTube

Oh no, this type doesn't count...:scratch:


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Nov 19, 2010
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I do have to give you a :yesway: for this. Sharpton has made more money off of keeping race an issue than just about anyone. Fricking snitch! :lol:

thats a character flaw, opportunism in order to keep himself relevant. it has little to do with skin color imo.

but he's got the makeup to be a hell of a businessman! too bad he wasnt white, he'd probably be a billionaire too!

j/k on that last part :lol:


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Nov 19, 2010
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Besides if you want to talk about discrimination do a little research of the way the Irish (my people) were treated when we came here from Ireland.

yep you guys created the model for modern terrorism you were so pissed off. :yesway:


Senior Moderator
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Feb 5, 2009
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Who's whining, now?
Perhaps you confuse constitutional freedoms with privilege. Donny boy has enjoyed privilege for a long time. His wealth affords him quite a bit of slack for bad behavior. His banishment looks to put 3/4 of a billion bucks in his pocket, with which he can indulge whatever non-sports fantasies he has. No one forced him to own an NBA team. When he bought it, he agreed to abide by their governance.
If an entrepreneur has fed a little fuel to the fire, in order to leverage an advantageous buy-out, that's called sharp business, if he's white, but if it turns out to be Magic, or some other African-American businessperson, I can predict the spew we'll be reading here.
Just sayin'.

I agree with everything you said, but I am curious as to whether or not you apply the same principal to what happened with the Boy Scouts? Do you feel as if those who join the Boy Scouts should have to abide by their policies, or do you feel as if Boy Scouts should be forced to change so as to accommodate others who do not share the same beliefs? Were you in agreement with the Supreme Court affirming their right to do as they see fit?

I think some of you guys are missing the point on this story. Look, I'm bothered by the fact that this woman broke the law and violated his privacy by recording private conversations, as this kind of precedent can have lasting effects on people throughout society, but the fact of the matter is that Donald Sterling belongs to a private club, and he has to abide by the rules / decisions of that club. The very fact that they can remove him from the league upholds our first amendment right to free association. Really, this is no different than being kicked out of a country club for being a douche bag and reflecting poorly on the other members.

The real 'outrage' as far as I'm concerned is that there seems to be a precedent being set that it's ok to secretly record people and air it to the public … I'm telling you, this is really really dangerous and it's the issue people need to be focused on. I'm starting to envision a scenario where a 13 year old kid gets pissed at their parents, records something they say over the course of the next month totally out of context, contacts child protective services, and the next thing you know the parents are being sent to a re-education camp. I mean, seriously, this is a very dangerous precedent. I hope Donald Sterling goes for the jugular in pressing charges against her to demonstrate that you simply can not violate someone's privacy like that.


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2013
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Inside Ming Ming's Magic Stink Box
Oh no, this type doesn't count...:scratch:

What??? What does that mean...I'm so confused!:(

[ame=]Vinny is just So Confused - YouTube[/ame]

OK, phuck this shit, it's time to relax, play some guitar and have a cold one:pops: Have a good evening y'all.

I'm drinking some Kraken black spiced see, I'm not racist even towards alcohol.:yesway::naughty:


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2013
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Inside Ming Ming's Magic Stink Box
I agree with everything you said, but I am curious as to whether or not you apply the same principal to what happened with the Boy Scouts? Do you feel as if those who join the Boy Scouts should have to abide by their policies, or do you feel as if Boy Scouts should be forced to change so as to accommodate others who do not share the same beliefs? Were you in agreement with the Supreme Court affirming their right to do as they see fit?

I think some of you guys are missing the point on this story. Look, I'm bothered by the fact that this woman broke the law and violated his privacy by recording private conversations, as this kind of precedent can have lasting effects on people throughout society, but the fact of the matter is that Donald Sterling belongs to a private club, and he has to abide by the rules / decisions of that club. The very fact that they can remove him from the league upholds our first amendment right to free association. Really, this is no different than being kicked out of a country club for being a douche bag and reflecting poorly on the other members.

The real 'outrage' as far as I'm concerned is that there seems to be a precedent being set that it's ok to secretly record people and air it to the public … I'm telling you, this is really really dangerous and it's the issue people need to be focused on. I'm starting to envision a scenario where a 13 year old kid gets pissed at their parents, records something they say over the course of the next month totally out of context, contacts child protective services, and the next thing you know the parents are being sent to a re-education camp. I mean, seriously, this is a very dangerous precedent. I hope Donald Sterling goes for the jugular in pressing charges against her to demonstrate that you simply can not violate someone's privacy like that.

It looks like they already have your phone # CR.;)



Well-Known Member
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Nov 19, 2010
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I agree with everything you said, but I am curious as to whether or not you apply the same principal to what happened with the Boy Scouts? Do you feel as if those who join the Boy Scouts should have to abide by their policies, or do you feel as if Boy Scouts should be forced to change so as to accommodate others who do not share the same beliefs? Were you in agreement with the Supreme Court affirming their right to do as they see fit?

I think some of you guys are missing the point on this story. Look, I'm bothered by the fact that this woman broke the law and violated his privacy by recording private conversations, as this kind of precedent can have lasting effects on people throughout society, but the fact of the matter is that Donald Sterling belongs to a private club, and he has to abide by the rules / decisions of that club. The very fact that they can remove him from the league upholds our first amendment right to free association. Really, this is no different than being kicked out of a country club for being a douche bag and reflecting poorly on the other members.

The real 'outrage' as far as I'm concerned is that there seems to be a precedent being set that it's ok to secretly record people and air it to the public … I'm telling you, this is really really dangerous and it's the issue people need to be focused on. I'm starting to envision a scenario where a 13 year old kid gets pissed at their parents, records something they say over the course of the next month totally out of context, contacts child protective services, and the next thing you know the parents are being sent to a re-education camp. I mean, seriously, this is a very dangerous precedent. I hope Donald Sterling goes for the jugular in pressing charges against her to demonstrate that you simply can not violate someone's privacy like that.

but dude, an oprah, david, and larry alliance would be a dream come true for americans everywhere!

theyre black, check!
theyre gay, check!
theyre rich, check!
they are all angelic figures above reproach!

its a fairy tale ending to a real life nightmare! get on board choo! choo! and stop being such downer. who cares about rights when there is outrage to be had~!?

this article may induce vomiting, youve been warned.


Senior Moderator
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Feb 5, 2009
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but dude, an oprah, david, and larry alliance would be a dream come true for americans everywhere!

theyre black, check!
theyre gay, check!
theyre rich, check!
they are all angelic figures above reproach!

its a fairy tale ending to a real life nightmare! get on board choo! choo! and stop being such downer. who cares about rights when there is outrage to be had~!?

this article may induce vomiting, youve been warned.

And you know what? That's just fine. The NBA is a private club, and they can associate w/whomever they wish. If people are outraged, they can stop going to games, stop buying merchandise, stop the revenue stream by turning off the televised games, and completely disassociate w/the team / NBA themselves and associate with another game / league / pastime / hobby of their choosing. What really frightens me right now is that people are not recognizing this is really a first amendment issue with respect to the recordings themselves. The end result w/Sterling is what it is (primarily because it's a private club), but the fact that the tapes were recorded / released is alarming. TMZ should have known full well that California has consent laws with regards to private conversations, and for them to accept illegal recordings, and then air those recordings, should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. If people were following the law to begin with, we wouldn't even be talking about this right now.


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Nov 19, 2010
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And you know what? That's just fine. The NBA is a private club, and they can associate w/whomever they wish. If people are outraged, they can stop going to games, stop buying merchandise, stop the revenue stream by turning off the televised games, and completely disassociate w/the team / NBA themselves and associate with another game / league / pastime / hobby of their choosing. What really frightens me right now is that people are not recognizing this is really a first amendment issue with respect to the recordings themselves. The end result w/Sterling is what it is (primarily because it's a private club), but the fact that the tapes were recorded / released is alarming. TMZ should have known full well that California has consent laws with regards to private conversations, and for them to accept illegal recordings, and then air those recordings, should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. If people were following the law to begin with, we wouldn't even be talking about this right now.

all kidding aside, your absolutely right. it is frightening how easily we are distracted from the real substance of the matter.

i bet nothing will come of it either. swept under the carpet and forgotten.

*33 years sterling has owned the team btw. :cool:


Active Member
May 29, 2013
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It seems we can't have freedom of opinion or thought without people revolting (not talking 1st amendment violation). It's pretty obvious that the girl set him up and this shouldn't be happening nor should he be banned. I don't agree with his views, but people are jumping to conclusions.