Dsl100h Not A "real Marshall"?

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Dean Swindell

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Mar 12, 2017
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Funny, the guy’s who own DSL’s love them, not talking about the new “r” version, and the guys who don’t play them, hate on them
I'm sure that's true, but then there are some who don't have one because they actually went out and tried them. Everybody isn't going to like the same sound as you.

Jon C

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May 29, 2017
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Wa State
When it comes to Code …… Your Milage Might Vary for real !!!

end user

Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2018
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I'm sure that's true, but then there are some who don't have one because they actually went out and tried them. Everybody isn't going to like the same sound as you.

Yep. I played through a brand new Orange Rockverb 50 the other day and I thought it was horrible. I see people bragging about those all the time.

Dogs of Doom

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Los Angeles
I would agree the TSL and DSL either one could get close enough that in a mix no person in the audience would be able to tell.

The biggest differences are things that are apparent when messing around alone. Extra punch and a more open uncompressed tone being the 2 most prominent differences. To a lesser extent the extra mid range growl.

Anyone who says a TSL or DSL (JCM 2000 or the newer ones) isn't a "real Marshall" is just an asshole.

Now the Code is another story. (this is a sarcastic joke before anyone gets too upset)
I went to a show, where a bunch of guys played over the course of the night. 1 guy played w/ a DSL, the rest were modded JCM800s & a couple modded JMPs. The JMPs & 800s, killed that poor DSL. The DSL hardly even cut through the mix, while the rest of the amps were the stuff of LOUD...

It was a real eye opener. You could tell the difference night & day, within the confines of a mix.

I've also seen Schenker tons of times & his rhythm guitarist Wayne, mostly always used a DSL, while MS used a 2205. The 2205 cut through the mix, while the DSL wasn't really cutting through...

Jr Deluxe

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Sep 12, 2017
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Why are you wasting even 1 second of your time worrying about what anybody online or anywhere else says about if your Marshall is good enough? Have some confidence in your playing abilities and melt your critics faces with your righteous riffs. And if you ain't got no righteous riffs I guess you better get a real Marshall.


Aug 30, 2018
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My only experience with the Vietnam-made DSLs is my DSL1CR, which I’ve had for several months now. It’s been problem free, and I think it’s the best living room amp I’ve ever had, better than the vintage Fender Champs I’ve owned (the DSL’s clean/slightly gritty tone nails what I’m looking for). If I could wave a magic wand, and transform it into a UK made amp, would I? Sure. But as it is, I haven’t found a better tiny tube amp for $300. Sure sounds and performs like a REAL Marshall to me.

Mitchell Pearrow

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Jul 2, 2018
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Moreno Valley CA
By cheating with a vox tone lab , I was able to get a convincing tone out of an mg 100 Half stack, on its clean channel, so I feel confident in saying that I could do the same with a code! Both not real ? Marshall’s, They sure sound real to me even the cdr15, they all have a Marshall flavor, that is unmistakable! Cheers Mitch


Well-Known Member
Dec 22, 2011
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Traverse City, Michigan
I get what your saying. It’s funny, I’ve found I can get really close to all the classic Marshall sounds with my DSL40C. It does take knowing how to dial in your amp (not a dig at you, but at the, if it ain’t a 800 or earlier model, it’s not a real Marshall guy’s), and with a EQ pedal I can get in the ballpark of a lot of other amps.
Ymmv, of course, but I mostly play a ‘96 Lester through the dsl40c, and there’s ALOT of midrange in my signal. Btw, my mids knob is only set to 11 o’clock, bass 9:30, treble at 7:30, presence at 12, and resonance at 8:00. I love mids!
I hear ya. I owned a dsl40c for over a year. It was indeed a nice amp. But I mostly play classic rock and blues and found earlier marshalls fit my styles better. If you like it rock it! That's all that counts.


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2017
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I went to a show, where a bunch of guys played over the course of the night. 1 guy played w/ a DSL, the rest were modded JCM800s & a couple modded JMPs. The JMPs & 800s, killed that poor DSL. The DSL hardly even cut through the mix, while the rest of the amps were the stuff of LOUD...

It was a real eye opener. You could tell the difference night & day, within the confines of a mix.

I've also seen Schenker tons of times & his rhythm guitarist Wayne, mostly always used a DSL, while MS used a 2205. The 2205 cut through the mix, while the DSL wasn't really cutting through...


I've seen a few live bands that used the DSL amps and they always sounded good. Guess I've never seen a show where both amps were present.

Either way I still consider them as real a Marshall as any other, just different.

Doing back to back demos of my old TSL and 2203 KK was an eye opener for me personally. It was an instant decision to keep the JCM 800 instead of flipping it for profit.


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2016
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It says Marshall on the grill. It’s produced by Marshall, in a factory owned by Marshall. ITS A MARSHALL. The only people who seem to think otherwise, appear to a.not own a DSL b. their only knock on the amp is where it’s manufactured, as they type on their Chinese phones, watching their Chinese TV’s c. Are corksniffing d-bags who think anything produced since ‘69 isn’t the real thing.
As I’ve said before, everyone who has a dsl40c or 100h (not the new “r” series) that I’ve spoken to, or read posts from, dig ‘em.


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2011
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There have been several Marshall amps I was never able to get along with (i.e. get the tone I was looking for out of them). Any of the 900 series, the Joobies, Valvestate of any generation, JVM, 30th Anniversary, and the DSL off the top of my head. Some of those are really highly regarded amps, but they never did a thing for me, and many I couldn't sell fast enough after purchase.

That doesn't make any of them less of a "real" Marshall. That kind of talk is for 7th Graders.

Gary Moore could make a DSL sounds MASSIVE with a low output vintage single coils and his 61 fiesta red. Brian Robertson gets amazing tone out of a SL-X. Both of those guys have magic hands that makes everything sound amazing no matter what pickups or amp they are plugged into. A lot of people get killer tones out of their Jubilees. Adrian Smith's 30th anniversary sounds fantastic when he plays through it.

Now, the CODE..that may be debatable, since it's just a bunch of 1s and 0s ;)


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2009
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detroit rock city
There have been several Marshall amps I was never able to get along with (i.e. get the tone I was looking for out of them). Any of the 900 series, the Joobies, Valvestate of any generation, JVM, 30th Anniversary, and the DSL off the top of my head. Some of those are really highly regarded amps, but they never did a thing for me, and many I couldn't sell fast enough after purchase.

That doesn't make any of them less of a "real" Marshall. That kind of talk is for 7th Graders.

Gary Moore could make a DSL sounds MASSIVE with a low output vintage single coils and his 61 fiesta red. Brian Robertson gets amazing tone out of a SL-X. Both of those guys have magic hands that makes everything sound amazing no matter what pickups or amp they are plugged into. A lot of people get killer tones out of their Jubilees. Adrian Smith's 30th anniversary sounds fantastic when he plays through it.

Now, the CODE..that may be debatable, since it's just a bunch of 1s and 0s ;)
just thinking of Gary Moore Voodoo Chile it sounded fucking great!


Active Member
Sep 6, 2013
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I consider my White DSL40c with a well broken in V-30 to be my Desert Island Amp. Preface this with the fact that I also have: A '78 100 watt 2203, A 100 watt Vintage Modern, a 100 Watt JVM 410, a 100 watt 1959, a 50 watt 1982 JCM 800 2x12, A 50 Watt JVM 205h, a 100 watt JCM 2000 DSL, a Pair of JTM 60s, And a 100 watt 2203 re-issue. Yet, If I was only allowed to keep one (to actually play and not be a collector), It'd have to be that white DSL 40c no question though I will
say it would only narrowly beat out the JVM 205h.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
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I consider my White DSL40c with a well broken in V-30 to be my Desert Island Amp. Preface this with the fact that I also have: A '78 100 watt 2203, A 100 watt Vintage Modern, a 100 Watt JVM 410, a 100 watt 1959, a 50 watt 1982 JCM 800 2x12, A 50 Watt JVM 205h, a 100 watt JCM 2000 DSL, a Pair of JTM 60s, And a 100 watt 2203 re-issue. Yet, If I was only allowed to keep one (to actually play and not be a collector), It'd have to be that white DSL 40c no question though I will
say it would only narrowly beat out the JVM 205h.

Pretty solid endorsement right there. They sound great.


Feb 23, 2018
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Thanks and that's quite a collection. I recently put my 40c back to the stock 70/80 in it because I was anticipating trading it in towards the 100H but sadly the store offered me 150 bucks for it and I refuse to let that thing go for such a paltry offer. I brought it home and played through it and honestly I think I will re-purpose the Celestion Elite 50 I had replaced it with and keep the 70/80 in there.
Right!People are too quick to yank the stock speaker out-let er break in a bit and yes your Marshall is as real as any of the domestic vehicles rolling around loaded with parts made all over the globe

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