DSL100H vs JCM800 2203

  • Thread starter Easton55
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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2009
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Arlington Heights, IL
Both amps are great. Don't get hung up on price. They made a million JCM 2000 DSL's over the years, and that's why a minty used model can be had for $500-600 all day. Plus there's the competition from the 100h which is $899 new at the usual sources. Original 800's are more scarce. The reissues seem very expensive to me, but if they're selling them than that's great!

Beck seems to use every new Marshall flavor of the day; not to say they're not all worthy but I wouldn't get hung up on any particular model he's currently playing as it will change next big Marshall release. Off the top of my head I've seen him use JCM 2000 DSL's the VM, the JVM, and now the 100h.

A DSL or an 800 can be your main amp for a lifetime, so you really need to try them yourself. If you have to buy sight unseen, I'd get the DSL as they get the job done, are inexpensive, and easy to flip if it's not the amp for you.



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May 24, 2012
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I am sure Beck uses what he can get far away from home. Paul Gilbert explains it in his gear video. I use JCM800 wherever I am offered and if I could I would carry my Plexi allover with me.


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Nov 17, 2009
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I am no fan of the 900 or 2000 series amps.

JCM 800 series came from the 80's and was offered in all variety of circuits up to that date to include the new hot rod 2205/2210 and Jubilee Series. 2205/2210 and Jubilee are related by clipping diode circuitry as in pedals or Jose mods etc...).

I would take a JCM 800 2204 (I prefer 50 watt Due to filtering) or 2203 made sure to set the NFB at about 50k and put a loop in it with a Boss SD-1 to push it if I could not use my builds or Cameron's or Friedman BE 100's...

Of course a 2205/2210 with a SD-1 pushing it can just cut through anything but I have beaten that horse to death and people just don't get it so fuqk it

My $.02, David...♫


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2015
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Södertälje, Sweden
Hype and availability...thats the difference in price...
the DSL is the modern classic. Thats why it has been in production for 20 years...
that said, get the one you lust for, otherwise there will allways be that little bit of doubt in the back of your mind..should you have bought the i ther one?...


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2013
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I owned a jcm 2000 100w head for a while and currently own a jcm 800 4104 . Trust me the 2000 will not do anywhere near the 800 thing . Not saying the 2000 is a bad amp but its certainly not in the same league tone or build wise as an 800 . Get a used vertical input 800 ( 1983 or before ), there isn't too much to go wrong that can't be easily/cheaply fixed if thats your concern . The reissue jcm 800 is not a real 800 and is too expensive aswell , think of the hundreds of dollers you will loose overnight if you were to buy one new .


Active Member
Nov 13, 2015
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Trust me the 2000 will not do anywhere near the 800 thing . Not saying the 2000 is a bad amp but its certainly not in the same league tone or build wise as an 800 .

My DSL sounds better as an 800 with a couple mods than the 800 I had. It's subjective. That's why we're saying try both.


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Nov 17, 2009
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Take a day...Go to the largest city near you and play a BUNCH of amps after you call to check availability.

We can all sit here all day long talking sh!t but as stated in the end it is what matters to you and your wallet. I play what is in my Signature.

I am not going to start a mud slinging fest...If you want tone that is the short cut plain and simple. And don't for a minute believe most pro's record with "stock" Marshall amps.

No Fizz/Fuzz/Buzz allowed.

Go out and play some amps...Try cabs too Vintage 30 especially mixed with 25 watt green backs are killer in my book. HUGE difference...

If I offended anyone I am sorry as I seem to do that a lot lately, not my intention . It has even been suggested I go somewhere else as I seem to have issue with stock Marshall's. Not True some were great it is just that Marshall was inconsistent with their Transformers and component types to include values. So many 2203's varied in tone greatly IMO...

Just my $.02 David aka New Religion...really just trying to help you


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2014
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I'll toss my .02 in there though I'm sure it's worth less.

NOTHING can do an 800 but an 800. There is magic in that amp which many, 900, DSL, JVM all chase but none ever catch it. You can get close in some cases but in my opinion you won't get there.

Consider this though, I don't know exactly what you're looking for but you say "800 sound" do you mean like Zakk Wylde? His amps are modded and he runs an OD pedal all the time. The typical 800 sound people have in their minds has a boost in front. If that's the 800 sound you want then you may be fine with the DSL. The 800 on it's own is clean, very clean. It will break up but at that point it's so loud that it will kill any small children and animals in the vicinity, so with that in mind the "modded 800" sound can be done well by just about any Marshall that came after the 800 because they all tried to be "modded 800's"

One thing that the 800 has that the DSL won't is the crazy thump in the chest, where as you play you FEEL every note as much as you hear it. I've had and played DSL's and they don't do that at any level but the 800 does it, even at lower volumes.

We keep saying this but really, you do need to play them. I see that you're in Canada. I don't know if you have guitar center up there, but maybe they ship to you. Check out http://www.used.guitarcenter.com they ship for a reasonable price and take returns within 45 days, so you could buy a used 800 for $1100 +/- and if you don't like it ship it back and go DSL.

EL 34

Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2013
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I'm looking at getting a new head (to go along with the 1960AV cabinet) and would like to hear opinions on the two listed. I know what the 800 can do, but to purchase new, it's almost 3 times the cost of the DSL. And since the reviews I've read and the spec listings on the DSL state that it can reproduce the sounds of the 800, I'm not understanding how the price can be that different. It would make sense if the price cost was different the opposite way, but that's why I'm asking for enlightenment, lol. Help me out guys, and thanks as always! :yesway:
first off, nice selection on the cab. it's my favorite cab-those speakers rule.

i'll be honest, the 100H is not made in jolly england. so there have been a bunch of complaints about quality issues and it's all been exclusive to the non-UK made stuff.

what's your music style. the 800 has some compression to it. the DSL is a plexi at heart which is the marshall sound but it has its limits.


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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2000 comes close to an 800 but not quite there. Also depends on the features you want, if you need 2 channels or reverb, etc. Between the two I'd go for a 2203 with a loop, this will cover everything you need and you'll get the tone you're after. A used 800 is not a big deal, theres very little that can go wrong inside that cant be fixed cheap unlike the 2000 which is way more complex inside. 800 for the win :yesway:


Nov 7, 2015
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Sask, Canada
Thanks everybody. I don't ever believe in chasing another players sound, for one thing you can waste a ton of money trying and never be happy. As you say, name players equipment has been hot-rodded, and the recordings they do are engineered, so expecting those sounds out of stock stuff is disappointment waiting to happen. I'm just looking to get the regular 800 sound. I've played them, I like them, was just hoping to save $2000 if the DSL could do it instead. Sometimes you gotta pay to play, lol. Thanks again.


Mar 11, 2012
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I have a 77 JMP 2203 and a DSL 100H, and I can easily get in the same ballpark as the 2203 tones with the DSL. I had to retube it and bias it before I was happy, but the Clean with the Crunch engaged, and some volume can get you 800 tones without a doubt. I run mine in stereo at rehearsal and A/B ing between the two, the differences are very minimal. My band is very loud, and volume is a must with both of those heads.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2015
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I have a 77 JMP 2203 and a DSL 100H, and I can easily get in the same ballpark as the 2203 tones with the DSL. I had to retube it and bias it before I was happy, but the Clean with the Crunch engaged, and some volume can get you 800 tones without a doubt. .

I agree 100%.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2015
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I'll toss my .02 in there though I'm sure it's worth less.

NOTHING can do an 800 but an 800. There is magic in that amp which many, 900, DSL, JVM all chase but none ever catch it. You can get close in some cases but in my opinion you won't get there.

Consider this though, I don't know exactly what you're looking for but you say "800 sound" do you mean like Zakk Wylde? His amps are modded and he runs an OD pedal all the time. The typical 800 sound people have in their minds has a boost in front. If that's the 800 sound you want then you may be fine with the DSL. The 800 on it's own is clean, very clean. It will break up but at that point it's so loud that it will kill any small children and animals in the vicinity, so with that in mind the "modded 800" sound can be done well by just about any Marshall that came after the 800 because they all tried to be "modded 800's"

One thing that the 800 has that the DSL won't is the crazy thump in the chest, where as you play you FEEL every note as much as you hear it. I've had and played DSL's and they don't do that at any level but the 800 does it, even at lower volumes.

We keep saying this but really, you do need to play them. I see that you're in Canada. I don't know if you have guitar center up there, but maybe they ship to you. Check out http://www.used.guitarcenter.com they ship for a reasonable price and take returns within 45 days, so you could buy a used 800 for $1100 +/- and if you don't like it ship it back and go DSL.

This. This x1000000.
He has brought up every valid consideration, and it is correct on every level, except the volume issue. They can get dirty at lower volumes, but not modern dirty - a lot of people would still consider it only "break up".


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2015
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Metal Metal Land
If you want the 800 sound, get a pre '84 one with an OD pedal and you're set. If you're that concerned about new gear, then get the reissue with an OD pedal and be on your way to happiness.

You said you're after the 800 sound, so get the 800.

Or better yet, just say **** it and get the 2203KK!!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2014
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This. This x1000000.
He has brought up every valid consideration, and it is correct on every level, except the volume issue. They can get dirty at lower volumes, but not modern dirty - a lot of people would still consider it only "break up".

You're right. I think my definition of "dirty" and your's may be different. To me "dirty" is like Metallica, Megadeth. Breakup is AC/DC, kiss. So, yes it will do breakup at about 2+ on the MV but if you want dirty (by my definition) you'll need about 5+ and an OD :yesway:


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2010
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Denver CO
Plenty of good used 800's out there for a fraction of new price.


New Member
May 30, 2015
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I own a DSL 100, made in Vietnam. What I've learned is that it is an amazing amp.
About me, I'm 60 years old, been playing guitar for 50 of those years. Had many amps, and finally bought my dream amp. Well things didn't go good when I blasted it.
WTF did I buy?. A piece of expensive junk? My dream was crushed.

One year later, I've learned all the controls, My dream nightmare has now been transformed into the best investment I've ever done.

The DSL 100H combined with a 240 watt 4x12 cab is really a remarkable amp.
Loud crisp tones, once you learn the settings, and learn the strings you buy for your guitar, it does make a difference.

Marshall, best buy I ever made!!!!!