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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2020
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It's unavoidable that every now and then I get a whiff of someone lighing up a joint somewhere. Years ago the smell was distinctive, and I knew what it was, but in the past few years I started to smell something different, something stronger, that didn't smell like marijuana as I understood the smell to be from times past. This new smell is stronger, more pungent, and reminds me of a skunk in full ass blast mode more than it does anything floral or herbal. I have come to learn that this smell is from newer strains of the weed that are bred for a higher THC content.

If you're referring to the 'end product' odor vs the plants themselves, it could be poor flushing. Basically, there are lots of different types of food you can give the plants which frankly, I wouldn't want to consume. Anyway, the idea is that you 'flush' the plants by giving them pure water (or even some stuff to help cleanse the plant) before harvesting. This of course takes time and thus costs money, it's not uncommon to enounter poorly flushed crops. I avoid them, myself because I also don't appreciate those tastes/smells and I don't trust the notion of smoking the plant food.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2014
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Rancho Deluxe, Montana..3rd stone from the sun
well, in most cases, it's kids, who, their parents aren't going to be their party animal slush fund. So, while they are young/kids, maybe teenagers, they are learning the bad habits of stealing for their high. Most times, they'll steal from their family, which is the worst. If you can't be trusted by your family, who can trust you? If you'd steal from family, who wouldn't you steal from?

But, that also feeds into the lack of motivation learned young. Smoke out & not be motivated to work. It gets hard to get & keep a job, because you're not motivated enough to work, except to get high.

Some people outgrow that, I've seen it go both ways. I run into people years later & they are in the same boat, as when we were in highschool. Not gainfully employed & looking for their next high. They always ask me if I still party, hoping that I'll share something w/ them.

I've also known many who've simply moved on & straightened out, & some who still party & have either kept themselves afloat, or done decent. Seems though, most struggle throughout most of their life, while being a pothead... :shrug:

People who are addicted, usually do not see their addiction, nor the effects of it. If they see the ill effects, they typically blame it on everything else, but the addiction it's self. People on the outside can sometimes see their addiction & the effects, if they have close enough insight into the afflicted one's life. Usually, those closest around the addicted are affected as well by the addiction, even when the addicted, themselves, do not see any of it & are oblivious to it's consequences.

I'm not sure what differentiates a "stoner thief" from another drug thief... a beer thief? OxyContin thief? Heroin thief? Cigarette thief?

My point was, that hard drug users pretty much have to steal to feed their habit, because they're physically addicted and can't hold down a job..A "stoner thief" as you put it, is the kind of person who would steal whether they used weed or not, they COULD hold down a job if they chose to, but they're lazy bastards who find it an easier living to steal from others instead..But sadly, many of them also smoke weed as well, and thus reinforces the idea that anyone who smokes is some kind of degenerate.

Myself and most of the "stoner crowd" I ran with in high school went out and got jobs while we were still in school, we worked at car washes, 2nd shift factory work, ect., or did yard work or construction. Any place we could work for, and usually at minimum wage, which at that time days was something like $2.00 an hour..Back in those days a phoney ID was no big deal, and a lot of businesses at the time would simply take one's word they were 18 and could work. My first job was at a flower nursery just up the road from where I grew up when I was 16.

We saw the benefits of making a living for ourselves without having to depend on our parents for $$ and liked the idea of being more independent, and knew if we worked we could buy everything from our own cars and the gas to power them to musical gear and record albums to weed itself..One of my best buddies from back in the day put in together with another friend and actually had their own apartment while still in high school!

That of course, was the place everyone liked to hang out at..:lol:

Looking back, in spite of being stoners we actually had more motivation than most of the kids who were the jocks and cheerleaders at the time..:shrug:

I've said all I can say about this subject, it always turns into these never-ending circular arguments or debates..All I would add is read the book I mentioned, and read it with an open mind..It's a great read for anyone, no matter what side of the cannabis debate they're on, and a real eye-opener for many as well!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2019
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If you're referring to the 'end product' odor vs the plants themselves, it could be poor flushing. Basically, there are lots of different types of food you can give the plants which frankly, I wouldn't want to consume. Anyway, the idea is that you 'flush' the plants by giving them pure water (or even some stuff to help cleanse the plant) before harvesting. This of course takes time and thus costs money, it's not uncommon to enounter poorly flushed crops. I avoid them, myself because I also don't appreciate those tastes/smells and I don't trust the notion of smoking the plant food.
Exactly why you grow your own stash if you partake.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
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Some City, USA
Is that a thing, yeah? Personally, I have such a high metabolic rate that I literally cannot gain weight from food. I lived pretty exclusively off junk food for a year and gained zero weight. To get heavier, I have to build muscle, no other way. But back to the point, weed increases your heart rate and so on which burns calories - so I'm wondering if that doesn't offset the "munchies"? I can't quite recall when it stopped for me, but I haven't had the munchies for decades by now. What I generally noticed was that people around me would gain weight not when they consumed a lot, but rather when they quit. If they started again, the weight disappeared (and no, they were not hitting the gym or anything). The only 'serious' side effect for me is dehydration. Obviously not hard to fix, but I'm partial to a few beers as well and that adds up.
Yeah I get that raised heart rate thing too, even sweats the arms and feet. Raising heart rate will lose weight by itself. Its weird but with munchies around I don't always eat yet, I worry if they aren't there when and if I want to eat.

Unlike many pharma drugs THC is not a toxin the liver needs to get rid of. There are no physical addictive properties to it. Also I have read studies that state the smoking of whole flower buds is better for you than the concentrated oils people vape with. There is a protective layer that builds up in your lungs that keeps lung cancer away with full flower. I think that you can still develop an COPD however. There is this push for people to get as stoned as possible which brought about this concentrated oil stuff. The flower has many parts that as a whole are much better than any single part alone. There are many receptors for THC, CBD, CBG, and other cannabinoids in our bodies from evolution. Weed was here as we evolved so it makes sense, unlike synthetic opiates so edibles actually help your digestion.

Thats important when considering liver function, gall bladder, pancreas, kidneys, bile production, insulin production etc. Bile is important for the gut, Hydrochloric acid levels need to be at 1-3 PH in your stomach. It all helps to produce A, B, D, E, K vitamins and absorb Omega fatty acids. All that stuff goes out of whack when you use opiates, or drink alcohol too much.

There is a proposition 122 I think in Colorado that will allow mushrooms to be used for PTSD and and other severe mental disorders. A similar thing happened two decades ago with medical marijuana. Maybe in another decade we will have the ability to grow mushrooms for personal use or even buy it at a dispensary. 👁️


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
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Some City, USA
I just saw this article... kind of puts an end to the "nobody has ever died from cannabis" argument...

Virginia mother charged with MURDER after her four-year-old died from eating cannabis gummies that caused a 'cardiac episode'​

That is that Delta 8 THC shit made from Hemp not marijuana and it is a non regulated industry. So that IMO is a bullshit article for not pointing that stuff out at the top. I'll bet she gets an appeal because that industry is being run by idiots out to make a buck and are not regulated because delta 8 is not part of marijuana that contains delta 9 THC and therefore no one is looking at them - yet.

These assholes are using toxic shit like butane to extract the so called CBD and THC delta 8 from Hemp. Hemp contains very small amounts of this delta 8 stuff so when it is concentrated so are all the toxins they used to extract it.

Might be a sad story but not a story about the marijuana industry.

There is a store near me with this crap I wanted some cbd for pain so I went in and bought gummies and suckers No ID asked for or given. The product is not isolated from the cash register like a real dispensary. The guy told me he had nothing to be worried about since it came from hemp and is Delta 8 THC which is not on the scheduled drug list. All shady but I gave it a try anyway. The first thing I noticed about it was it had a strange chemical taste. It felt like a coating of plastic layered my tongue for about 6 hours. Then my stomach was weird and achy for about two days while I went into a two day fast trying to get over it.

I'm calling bullshit on that delta 8 non regulated industry. That Forbes Health article talks about heart issues and how the FDA has not got a grip on these assholes yet. That woman was uninformed likely by design from the seller. This Delta 8 biz is shady. Don't trust it. But don't think its marijuana either.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2014
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yeah but just like everything else on the web only 3% is accurate, the rest is bs.
one can spend a life time trying to seperate the two.
Seeds are extremely easy t get. Ask me how I know. Ive been buying seeds since Nevils Seed Bank, The Super Sativa Seed Club and others started selling starting in Holland back in the 80s. Though they are no longer in business. Nevil died. Nevil was the first person to sell seeds. Now there more seed banks in the USA that sell seeds than you have fingers and toes, and everyone of them are 100% reliable. Seeds are legal to sell because they have no THC. Its only illegal to germinate them, if you are in a state that still deems marijuana illegal. Look into?? SeedsHereNow, The SeedSource, Labryinth Seed Company, Speakeasy Seed Bank, JamesBeanCompany, DC Seed Exchange, Swami Organic Seeds, The Nature Farm Genetics. Great Lakes Genetics, Hemp Depot in Canada. The Green Stash. Authentic Genetics. All of these places are 100% legit, and have the best genetics available. Many have old strains from the 80s, and genetics that also date back to the 70s. Some have clone mother plants that have been alive since the late 70s, and early 80s that hybrids are made from. And there are many more than I mentioned. But generally you can find the best genetics available from the above sources.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2020
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Also I have read studies that state the smoking of whole flower buds is better for you than the concentrated oils people vape with.

Generally people mix it for vaping. The "vape" liquids all turn out to contain more carcinogens than regular tobacco. I wouldn't dare to touch the stuff, whereas I do smoke. The oils can actually cause an OD because they're so concentrated, whereas even eating pure hash won't get you there, let alone munching or smoking buds. During our (British) stay in India, the army forced a local to consume as much as hash as possible to determine the 'fatality' and side effects of such an action. I think the guy downed a few hundred grams (or a significant amount in any case) and passed out. A day later he woke up, rather dehydrated and very hungry. If the worst that can happen is passing out and having a bit too much sleep - that's a relatively safe drug in my book... :shrug:
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2012
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United States
I have to mention R.S.O., which is a HEAVILY concentrated, oral/sublingual full-spectrum product. its pretty great, and a tiny bit goes a LONG way. highly recommended for folks who partake but don't care for smoking or vaping.



Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2019
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Seeds are extremely easy t get. Ask me how I know. Ive been buying seeds since Nevils Seed Bank, The Super Sativa Seed Club and others started selling starting in Holland back in the 80s. Though they are no longer in business. Nevil died. Nevil was the first person to sell seeds. Now there more seed banks in the USA that sell seeds than you have fingers and toes, and everyone of them are 100% reliable. Seeds are legal to sell because they have no THC. Its only illegal to germinate them, if you are in a state that still deems marijuana illegal. Look into?? SeedsHereNow, The SeedSource, Labryinth Seed Company, Speakeasy Seed Bank, JamesBeanCompany, DC Seed Exchange, Swami Organic Seeds, The Nature Farm Genetics. Great Lakes Genetics, Hemp Depot in Canada. The Green Stash. Authentic Genetics. All of these places are 100% legit, and have the best genetics available. Many have old strains from the 80s, and genetics that also date back to the 70s. Some have clone mother plants that have been alive since the late 70s, and early 80s that hybrids are made from. And there are many more than I mentioned. But generally you can find the best genetics available from the above sources.
hell i wouldnt even know what i was doing anyways if i did try to grow lol.
glad to see seeds are easy to get still.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2014
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hell i wouldnt even know what i was doing anyways if i did try to grow lol.
glad to see seeds are easy to get still.
Buying seeds is also legal, as they contain no THC. It only becomes illegal if youre in an unfruiendly state, and you germinate the seeds.
Growing isnt rocket science. If one just follows a few rules, and dont deviate. The hardest things are learning how much, and how often to water, and how much fertilizer to give at different stages of development. But thats not really hard.

Another thing that people do that has no scientific evidence is flushing at the end of the growth cycle. The only time flushing may be necessary is when you have overfertilized, and your plants get burned. But flushing at the end of the growth cycle is a MYTH. Fertilizer is only stored in the leaves. Not in the stigmas, calyx, or THC glands.

Promix BX is a good medium to grow in. Or the HP.



Nov 18, 2022
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Since it's legal in more and more places these days, is this topic still taboo? I don't see anywhere in the rules against it.

If it's all good in the hood, what's everyone's opinion on the matter?
Half of my posts there's a good change I'll be stones. Stop the presses, guitar player smokes weed! Am i right? Not like any of the guys in the 70s/80s were sober when some of the most iconic riffs were written.

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