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  1. CroTone

    New amp day! First Marshall

    That's the bitter reality I've learned to embrace. Neither Marshall ever gets sold, you can only add another one. Seriously, I got rid of and can easily get rid of all sorts of equipment, boutique pedals, "things that I will never sell", etc. but that doesn't work with Marshalls. I am usually...
  2. CroTone

    New amp day! First Marshall

    Enjoy it and welcome to the forum! Welcome also to the Marshall Addicts support group! ;-)
  3. CroTone

    Finally got to play a SV20H

    You've said it all and said it well. :cheers:
  4. CroTone

    The Official Marshall Studio Vintage Thread Sv20h

    This image is heaven! Very nice! What's on the pedalboard? If I can see alright, I think there is some Friedman pedal on there and what looks to be Spark Boost from TC Electronic. How happy are you with those and how do you use them in front of SC and/or SV? Of course...I see classics spread...
  5. CroTone

    V30 and Greenback mix

    I personally love the sound of this combo. Those are also my two favorite Celestion speakers. I think that if you can find a good plywood vertical cab, put Greenback on top and V30 on the could get some nasty good sounds. Of course, under the condition that both speakers are...
  6. CroTone

    First pedalboard

    To stay on topic a bit. I do find tape delay in front of an overdriven amp to sound fabulous. Just an idea to consider. I am a simple guy, stuff like Dunlop echoplex in front, single repeat...just enough of level to blend into the mix...sounds absolutely gorgeous. I guess for very complex...
  7. CroTone

    First pedalboard

    +1. Learned a lot from WellBurnTheSky. Lots of great advice, I guess the combination of being a musician and an engineer for a living makes you know stuff really well. I also wondered back in the day what exactly is what the BBE sonic maximizer does.:scratch: On several occasions, I also came...
  8. CroTone

    Finally got to play a SV20H

    I have an Origin 50 and SV20 and manage to get Ori very close to the "Plexi" sound, after some knob twisting and EQ shaping. Definitely do agree that SV20 has the edge and it is overall a more musical amp. But, Origin is definitely not a slouch and is a very workable platform. Personally, I...
  9. CroTone

    Iron Maiden and JCM 2000 DSL

    Yes, I think that pretty much sums it. They are reliable workhorse amps that can deliver classic Marshall tone and they seem to have consistency over the years. And they are relatively cheap and available worldwide. So not a surprise that many hot shot musicians use it. I actually have a '98 JCM...
  10. CroTone

    Finally got to play a SV20H

    I think they hit a home run with all three amps from the Studio series. :thumb: They all sound amazing in their own right.
  11. CroTone

    Finally got to play a SV20H

    Dude, don't go through that rabbit hole. Because you will want studio JCM 800 and silver jubilee very soon. I know, I speak from my own experience. Now seriously, I have an SV20 myself and it is difficult to say anything bad about this amp. Very difficult.;)
  12. CroTone

    Paul Gilbert

    In Paul Gilbert's hands, a washing machine would sound like a 1-billion US dollars tube amplifier. On a slightly different note, the JCM2000 100 watt Dual Super Lead from the early days is one hell of an amp. Sounds consistently great and is a true workhorse and gigging musician amp. There is a...
  13. CroTone

    Is it just me or has selling gear become difficult?

    I actually managed to sell some equipment recently...I think that is largely due to the fact that my equipment is in pristine condition and I've put prices about 10-20% lower than the rest of "competition". I try to be a reasonable man and I think I can discern the difference between the words...
  14. CroTone

    Who is your Eddie? ...

    Really difficult to pick, but I would go with Eddie from "Somewhere in Time" ;)
  15. CroTone

    The Official Marshall Studio Classic Thread Sc20

    Sounds like you are having a lot of fun! That's what these cool little studio amps are supposed to provide us! Enjoy! :cheers:
  16. CroTone

    Please help me choose a Marshal

    SC20, SV20, or Origin 20/50H can bring you to the Plexi territory if the poster is mostly interested in that as his base sound. You can dial SC20 JCM800 to sound very close to Plexi (it is just a matter of turning the master volume really high and backing off on the preamp...this will get you...
  17. CroTone

    Please help me choose a Marshal

    100% agree with all suggestions with only a side note that I don't have personal experience with the new line of DSL amps. I briefly had DLS 20HR head that crapped on me after I bought it brand new from the store so I returned it back although it was sounding very fine for those few hours that...
  18. CroTone

    Calling all shredders.

    I am largely incompetent in shredding, however, of shredding things that I've learned...I mostly own to this gentleman below :wub: I wholeheartedly recommend his Terrifying Guitar Trip, Guitars from Mars, and other instructional videos. Geez, it has been such a long time when I was learning that...
  19. CroTone

    How Will You Celebrate...

    I already saluted Jim by cranking my Plexi today! RIP Jim!:jam: