Search results

  1. rocknblues

    Who won?

    Funny how she learns in court not to poke the bear. She's stupid for breaking the law and then having an attitude with the authority. He's not a jerk. He's someone that doesn't and shouldn't put up with her kind. I may not like his style, but I'd say he did a fine job. By the way, Judge...
  2. rocknblues

    How do you guys deal with road ragers?

    Mott - I feel your pain brother. Figure out a way to let it roll off your shoulders. It can eat you up - road rage is very contagious. Come in here and have yourself a good rant. Just know that ANY show of aggression on the road can be a stiff legal penalty. My cousin spent a night in...
  3. rocknblues

    Is 'having nothing to do', mean you're depressed?

    Dreynn, Sounds to me your slump has more to do with your focus on the past. The job and child scenarios are so far removed from anything I have ever experienced. I doubt many folks could possibly relate. I wish you the best in trying to move on. Nonetheless, I just sense that paranoia...
  4. rocknblues

    new strat and marshall for my sons birthday - pics

    That is awesome! Loved the video too. Very tasty solo! RB
  5. rocknblues

    anyone interested in another songwriting contest?

    You know that most youth competitions these days don't even keep score. Everybody goes home a winner. Just saying. :naughty:
  6. rocknblues

    Is 'having nothing to do', mean you're depressed?

    Dreynn, Am I the only one who caught on? You know, the part where your boredom led to you playing with your balls.... some habits are hard to break, huh? Buuuut anyways, I hope you find a constructive way to get out of your rut soon. RB
  7. rocknblues

    Jimi Hendrix R.I.P 9/18/70

    NO LIE, I saw this thread as I was listening to Voodoo Chile (slight return).... LOves me some Jimi!
  8. rocknblues

    Is 'having nothing to do', mean you're depressed?

    The part about "death is comming round soon" is what stands out to me. Just think Dreyn, there are millions of stressed out folks who can't keep it together because the have way too many obligations to fullfill every day. All day there are deadlines and budgets to maintain.... then there is...
  9. rocknblues

    What are some songs I absolutely must listen to?

    Redstone, Check out Summer Song and Satch Boogie by Joe Satriani. Leave It by Yes. Put Out Your Fire by Slash. Yes I'm a dumb-ass. I can not figure out how to attach youtube links with my verizon phone. Forest Gump voice "I may not be very smart, but I know what love is..." RB
  10. rocknblues

    Corporate meetings

    OK, you got me where it hurts. :applause: One point for RB, One point for Vin. RB :yesway:
  11. rocknblues

    Corporate meetings

    Oh how I love being self-employed and with zero employees! Nanny nanny boo boo!!!
  12. rocknblues

    who digs KT77s in their JMP?...

    I second Pedecamp's post. Pedecamp, I know that you know that I know that 77's are good. :shred:
  13. rocknblues

    Me and Frank Hannon!!!! Hell Yeah!!!!

    Paul Dean was/is great! I actually thought the story of how he was discovered while jamming in a wharehouse was one of the best in rnr history. Reno heard him playing while walking by and the rest is history. I'll bet you didn't think I would know about that! I thought Hot Girls in Love and...
  14. rocknblues

    Me and Frank Hannon!!!! Hell Yeah!!!!

    Axe - hey man, any friend of Frank is a friend of mine. Hahaha. I was thinking of you the whole time I was jamming with Frank. Hopefully I get to jam with you too some day, RB
  15. rocknblues

    Me and Frank Hannon!!!! Hell Yeah!!!!

    Tubes - Yeah that's Frank. He is best known as the guitarist in Tesla. He has great tone and plays solos without all the tapping or sweeping. Kinda like a modern Page. Poeman - that's a great story. Can you share who that guitarist on the phone was and/or who he played for?
  16. rocknblues

    Me and Frank Hannon!!!! Hell Yeah!!!!

    That's a good story Steve. I don't know how I kept my cool, but I was careful to give Frank some space. I think he appreciated the "regular guy" talk instead of crazy fan approach. The best moment was giving him a backing rythm while he checked out a compressor and fuzz/octave pedals. He was...
  17. rocknblues

    Me and Frank Hannon!!!! Hell Yeah!!!!

    I just have to share this with you guys. So yesterday I was in my local guitar shop (cause it has been a long 3 weeks since I was there) and I'm minding my own business. As I'm sitting in the corner of the amp room, putting an old SG through it's paces a fella walks in. As soon as he plugs in...
  18. rocknblues

    Whatcha listenin to lately?

    HM - I really enjoyed what I heard of Winery Dogs.
  19. rocknblues

    Whatcha listenin to lately?

    Everyday it's a huge variety. Within last 24 hours.. Gregory Porter (new voice in style of Nat King Cole) Gary Clark Junior - Black and Blu ZZ Top - La Futura Clutch - Earth Rocker Sick Puppies - Malmsteen - Icarus Dream Suite
  20. rocknblues

    Gear aquisition limitations

    I get buy with an LP, Strat and quality Acoustic. I like having a combo and half-stack. Add a wah, delay and equalizer on top of that and I can be comfortable in any situation from here on out. Crap - thats a lot of money, but worth every penny!