Zimmerman Charged in Trayvon Case !!!

  • Thread starter Bobbo
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Should Zimmerman be charged with murder

  • Zimmerman should be charged with murder

    Votes: 4 15.4%
  • Zimmerman shouldn't be charged at all

    Votes: 14 53.8%
  • Ziommerman should be charged with manslaughter

    Votes: 8 30.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
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Mar 9, 2011
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,,...hey..uhm...."dopey,",...... how kin ah delete it,,,,,,,,...when you just immortalized it??!!

hahahahahahaahahaaha ........!! :lol:

,,,yup...you smokin so much dope an shit,,....no way kin ol' whitey keep up wit...wit.such a fart little smeller like you,,....

later...little sock puppet muppet,,....

Oh, the sock puppet thing! That's what this is about. :lol:

Nah man, I smoke so much dope I can't even smell farts.


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Feb 15, 2011
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Some do not like guns, some do not like the second amendment, some love this diversion, some love the gossip, some do not believe in self defense, and some are just plain modivated by agendas having nothing to do with this incident.

Pack heavy and often.


New Member
Dec 21, 2011
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I don't like guns or the second amendment. I think guns, and gun toting people, are usually pretty fucking stupid. Usually, but not always. Usually. Guns for hunting and home protection - sure. Knock yourself out. Thinking you have to stockpile ammo and be locked and loaded at all times - retard.


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Dec 12, 2007
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Charged with 2nd degree murder :wow: I think the prosecuter is just trying to get attention here ! Why forgo the Grand Jury ? :confused:


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2009
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(and here comes the spiral to the lock)

I don't like guns or the second amendment.

Fair enough. Don't own a gun. I don't like rap, hipsters, cats, and about 800,000 things (which usually increases by 7 every day). I am free to dislike things. I am free to complain about them. What I don't do is go crying to my local legislature and invite them in to settle the matter.

I think guns, and gun toting people, are usually pretty fucking stupid. Usually, but not always. Usually.

Speaking as one of the "unwashed," I will happily take the Pepsi challenge with you on formal education or raw intelligence (your choice). You know the funny thing is that the outspoken dumbass in college is the gun-toting guy. In law school (that place that weeds out all the elementary ed, mass com, wannabe psych majors and other "idiot enrollees"), the outspoken dumbass is the one who is against gun ownership ;)

Guns for hunting and home protection - sure. Knock yourself out.

Who made you God/Allah/Athiest's respectable figurehead to decide what the fuck a machine's use is for? I am even less interested in your opinion on how I am supposed to own/use a firearm as I am your opinion on how a Tele is "supposed" to be used.

Thinking you have to stockpile ammo and be locked and loaded at all times - retard.

Sounds like the retard is the guy with all the pronouncements and zero knowledge/experience whatsover on the subject. Over the past 3 decades, congress motivated by the idiocy of their constituents (who say the same things you have posted) have made it an an agenda to interfere with the second amendment under the guise of "crime prevention". The result? No decrease in crime (if not, an increase) and the "right" has simply begin to shift into a "privilege" for the man of means who will ALWAYS have access to whatever he desires (illicit or not).

By banning certain firearms, certain types of firearms, certain imported parts, components and ammunition, the price on the domestic side skyrockets with demand, and that often results in bulk buying/stockpiling. Same thing that would be happening if the EPA (through congress) banned the import of vacuum tubes over here. People would "stockpile" them... not for armegeddon and the resulting EMP, but simply to have an affordable means to enjoying the hobby for more than 2 years.

As far as the "locked and loaded" business... I had some asshole attempt to rob me at gunpoint (until he saw what I pointed back). My girlfriend escaped a kidnapping attempt in another city (two other girls thrown in with her were found dead days later). Crime happens. I don't know when or where (if ever again) it will occur in my life or those of my loved ones, but neither do you nor does anybody else. Police are not equipped to be our personal bodyguards. The primary line of an individual's defense is what he makes/takes himself. I would happily trade my second love (shooting) and all the tools/toys that go with it for the guarantee nobody in my world would ever NEED to use one again, but shit doesn't work that way.

I have no qualms about people who don't care for guns, but I cannot stand ignorant blowhards with voting power talking out their asses about the subject.

Yay, now we're irretractably "political" in this thread.

Feeling Supersonic

Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2011
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lol gotta love UAVs though! bombing the shit out of the middle east and all that..

we don't fuck other people's countries with guns anymore... they're all about missiles!

Guns are for the streets.


New Member
Dec 21, 2011
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(and here comes the spiral to the lock)

Fair enough. Don't own a gun. I don't like rap, hipsters, cats, and about 800,000 things (which usually increases by 7 every day). I am free to dislike things. I am free to complain about them. What I don't do is go crying to my local legislature and invite them in to settle the matter.

Speaking as one of the "unwashed," I will happily take the Pepsi challenge with you on formal education or raw intelligence (your choice). You know the funny thing is that the outspoken dumbass in college is the gun-toting guy. In law school (that place that weeds out all the elementary ed, mass com, wannabe psych majors and other "idiot enrollees"), the outspoken dumbass is the one who is against gun ownership ;)

Who made you God/Allah/Athiest's respectable figurehead to decide what the fuck a machine's use is for? I am even less interested in your opinion on how I am supposed to own/use a firearm as I am your opinion on how a Tele is "supposed" to be used.

Sounds like the retard is the guy with all the pronouncements and zero knowledge/experience whatsover on the subject. Over the past 3 decades, congress motivated by the idocy of their constituents (who say the same things you have posted) have made an agenda to interfere with the second amendment. Result? They have merely shifted the "right" into the privilege for the man of means who will ALWAYS have access to whatever he desires (illicit or not).

By banning certain firearms, certain types of firearms, certain imported parts, components and ammunition, the price on the domestic side skyrockets with demand, and that often results in bulk buying/stockpiling. Same thing that would be happening if the EPA (through congress) banned the import of vacuum tubes over here. People would "stockpile" them... not for armegeddon and the resulting EMP, but simply to have an affordable means to enjoying the hobby for more than 2 years.

As far as the "locked and loaded" business... I had some asshole attempt to rob me at gunpoint (until he saw what I pointed back). My girlfriend escaped a kidnapping attempt in another city (two other girls thrown in with her were found dead days later). Crime happens. I don't know when or where (if ever again) it will occur in my life or those of my loved ones, but neither do you nor does anybody else. Police are not equipped to be our personal bodyguards. The primary line of an individual's defense is what he makes/takes himself. I would happily trade my second love (shooting) and all the tools/toys that go with it for the guarantee nobody in my world would ever NEED to use one again, but shit doesn't work that way.

I have no qualms about people who don't care for guns, but I cannot stand ignorant blowhards with voting power talking out their asses about the subject.

Yay, now we're irretractably "political" in this thread.

I'm not reading all that. I'm sensing butthurt and a raging overreaction, but if you could summarize, that would be appreciated.


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Mar 9, 2011
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The idea of guns is fucking MORONIC.

But they exist, and people will keep using them, the military/government will use it against the people, so it's a tough one.

But guns, the idea of guns... I see it more as a primitive tool. Look t the definition:
"A weapon, arm, or armament is a tool or instrument used in order to inflict damage or harm to living beings".

I think we're past that. But I guess the idea is to keep us as primitive as possible.

How the fuck do we get rid of them? It's not as easy as the goverment banning them or taking them away. Haha! How funny "Sure, here you go government, take my guns."

Our society is so fucking twisted, we don't even know where to start. Maybe we started already, but it will be a LONG fuckin' process.


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Feb 5, 2009
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Well-Known Member
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Mar 9, 2011
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The first step isn't guns, the first step is the fucking GOVERMENT. THAT'S what should be banned. :lol:



New Member
Dec 21, 2011
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Gun nuts always overreact. Good thing this is just the internet or I'm sure I'd be dodging bullets right now.

The pry-it-from-my-cold-dead-hand mentality is why we're the one of the most violently murderous socities on the planet. Yay for guns! Lock and load! Yeeeeeeehaw!

Our own second amedment ensures that violent crime and moronic vigilante justice will always be prevalent. We let guns happen, they're firmly embedded into our fabric, so now people have to "carry" just to feel safe. Then someone takes it too far and a black kid gets shot.


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Dec 21, 2011
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I don't want to ban guns or anyone from owning them. I don't hate guns nor do i hate the right to bear arms. I hate gun mentality. I hate that we have to bear arms.

According to this ranking, http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/cri_mur_wit_fir-crime-murders-with-firearms the US is #4 in firearm murders. Look at the whole top 20. Look at the company we keep. We're in there with third world shitholes as far as murders by firearm go. Yay guns!


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2009
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I'm not reading all that. I'm sensing butthurt and a raging overreaction, but if you could summarize, that would be appreciated.

If you lack the attention span and/or cognitive ability to read a couple paragraphs written in response to your rantings, then there is no point wasting more time communicating with you on the subject. If you are unable or unwilling to read the response to something you have written, then you confirm that your only purpose in such threads is merely to broadcast your opinion, not contribute to or discuss the issue.

You and I both know you have read every word I wrote, though.

A lot of people have called you a troll. I have not, because I know better. . You are in fact an asshole. I don't imply that in the "personal attack" sense, and can relate because I too an a fellow asshole. The important distinction however is that you lack intellectual fortitude. You are bright (probably a lot smarter than most people who hang around you) and you are used to talking down to such an adversary and making them look stupid.

The problem is that when you are matched with someone proficient in the same sort of sparring, you retreat into the "butthurt" and other pseudo internet colloquialisms that those who can't argue employ to save face on this faceless canvas of anonymity. People mistakenly take your cue to be a troll. I know better. Your behavior is trollish, but everytime you go down that road, I realize it is covering up the fact that on THAT thread, you realize you have lost the argument and this is your unfortunate way of handling it.


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Mar 9, 2011
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What I find hard to process in my brain is calling guns "toys", or "babies". Seriously?
A weapon, arm, or armament is a tool or instrument used in order to inflict damage or harm to living beings.


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2009
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Gun nuts always overreact. Good thing this is just the internet or I'm sure I'd be dodging bullets right now.

The pry-it-from-my-cold-dead-hand mentality is why we're the one of the most violently murderous socities on the planet. Yay for guns! Lock and load! Yeeeeeeehaw!

Our own second amedment ensures that violent crime and moronic vigilante justice will always be prevalent. We let guns happen, they're firmly embedded into our fabric, so now people have to "carry" just to feel safe. Then someone takes it too far and a black kid gets shot.

And banning guns?

Ever heard of the war on drugs? how has banning something illicit erradicated the nation of the evil? The only thing you would end up with is the same bunch of guns jammed in the same waistbands of the criminals and cops (with a giant population of illicit collectors in the middle)

It is also quite interesting how concealed carry has overtaken a significant portion of the US and in Every such region, the blowhards quipped how their streets would be like the OK Corral. And the results? Either no distinguishable change in crime or a decrease.

It is also interesting how every school shooting takes place on a "firearms free" campus that disallows people from defending themselves from the "wackos"


New Member
Dec 21, 2011
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If you lack the attention span and/or cognitive ability to read a couple paragraphs written in response to your rantings, then there is no point wasting more time communicating with you on the subject. If you are unable or unwilling to read the response to something you have written, then you confirm that your only purpose in such threads is merely to broadcast your opinion, not contribute to or discuss the issue.

You and I both know you have read every word I wrote, though.

A lot of people have called you a troll. I have not, because I know better. . You are in fact an asshole. I don't imply that in the "personal attack" sense, and can relate because I too an a fellow asshole. The important distinction however is that you lack intellectual fortitude. You are bright (probably a lot smarter than most people who hang around you) and you are used to talking down to such an adversary and making them look stupid.

The problem is that when you are matched with someone proficient in the same sort of sparring, you retreat into the "butthurt" and other pseudo internet colloquialisms that those who can't argue employ to save face on this faceless canvas of anonymity. People mistakenly take your cue to be a troll. I know better. Your behavior is trollish, but everytime you go down that road, I realize it is covering up the fact that on THAT thread, you realize you have lost the argument and this is your unfortunate way of handling it.

Lol. Please dude, get real. Get over yourself. There is no win or lose. I don't want to discuss these things with you because you are an irrational and angry gun nut. You can't change my mind, and I can't change yours, so what's the point? The simple fact that you actually want to internet fight over this just makes my point for me. Fine, you win the important internet debate! Congrats. Go shoot someone in celebration.


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2009
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What I find hard to process in my brain is calling guns "toys", or "babies". Seriously?
A weapon, arm, or armament is a tool or instrument used in order to inflict damage or harm to living beings.

A weapon is a tool that is useful in doing such, just as it is useful in recreational sports. We also forget the other side of your sentence... they are useful in stopping those living beings who have made the decison to harm other living beings themselves.

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