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  1. W

    JVM series and DSL

    definitely JVM for metal
  2. W

    One hundred watt 50th Anniversary Question

    isn't the JVM410JS basically the 50th anniversary 100watter? they even colored it blue & gold to commemorate the 6100 30th anniversary.
  3. W

    JVM410JS satriani limited vs regular edition?

    they definitely did try to bring back the 6100s asthetics, it even has a gold handle on the blue and black ones. if we were guessing the 50th anniversary amps was gonna be a glorified JVM, this is not far off.
  4. W

    JVM410JS satriani limited vs regular edition?

    I got some gas for one but no $$. id like one those blue cabs to match my 6100. im glad marshall brought back the best parts of the 6100 which was the clean channel and blue tolex. if its as good as advertized its gonna be a one marshall's biggest hits.
  5. W

    Jim Marshall father of loud passes away

    I'm gonna blast my JVM to honor one of the greatest musician, engineer, businessman & human beings to have ever lived. We all owe so much to Guv'nor Jim, the Father of Loud. His legacy not only lives, it screams, crunches and thumps every time we practice, jam, play a gig or go to a show...
  6. W

    Dsl50/dsl100 discontinued (yes or no?)

    i think they're still being made. there are 50 watt 2 ch JVMs, but they are a totally different sounding amp. discontinued or not, u can find DSL50/100s for a very good price on ebay/CL. they are very common and marshall's best selling tube amp.
  7. W

    DSL vs JVM for classic Marshall tones

    stock I would say the DSL. a modded JVM is capable of anything. I would wait and check out the JVM410JS when it comes out, the crunch channel is supposed to be identical to the 2203.
  8. W

    OFFICIAL 50th Anniversary Thread

    its hilarious how all of us guessed it would a 100watt amp then it turns out to be 1w baby amps. i just hope they actually sound close to their parent amps, if they were really close, theyd be best recording/practice money could buy.
  9. W

    Recommendation Regarding JVM410H Potential Purchase

    the clean is great for a high gain amp. its not a fender reverb, but isn't too far off my 6100. the JVM's clean has a ton of headroom, its a bit more bassy than sparkly compared to a 6100/DSL but still very clear.
  10. W

    Recommendation Regarding JVM410H Potential Purchase

    can't go wrong with the JVM410H
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    OFFICIAL 50th Anniversary Thread

    this is the only case id prefer a combo over the head. definitely would like a JVM1. wouldn't mind a DSL1 either.
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    OFFICIAL 50th Anniversary Thread

    that would make sense, each 10 weeks would represent each decade of their history. kinda cool idea. i definitely didn't want a vintage reissue but this satisfies everyone. there was a side of me that wondered if they could top the JVM, but they got their multichannel amps right with the...
  13. W

    lack of gain on lead channel of 6100 30th anniversary

    these mods are equally valid. i haven't had time to finish the mod thanks to school & work. the mod is essentially done, i just need some variable resistors to iterate values for the power supplies. ill scan my schem when its totally done and fully tested. but like i said the mod...
  14. W

    Has Marshall build quality gone down the toilet?

    its hard to define but id say there are fewer reliability complainants about the JVMs compared to other PCB marshalls so, id say its actually improved. The JVM is as reliable and road tough as any of their handwired vintage amps. the 6100, great amps, but plagued by reliability issues but...
  15. W

    lack of gain on lead channel of 6100 30th anniversary

    yeah its a huge list. all the components are exactly the same as the SLO's OD channel. the thing alot of component values are already shared in common between the SLO & 6100. i used to the external board because i had to convert a buffer into a gain stage. all the components are the same...
  16. W

    is the JVM among the greatest marshalls of all time?

    satch did have his JVMs modified to sound more classic and open. but KK & ZW also had their 2203s modified when they had signature models. the "hotrodded" 2203 has become a icon of classic metal and thrash. to me the JVM joins the 5150 and dual rectifier as icons of modern metal. the JVM...
  17. W

    is the JVM among the greatest marshalls of all time?

    reissuing is another sign an amp has been considered iconic.
  18. W

    is the JVM among the greatest marshalls of all time?

    2203s were built in huge numbers and very common on craigslist and ebay. lots of modern amps' design are based on the 2203, including the DSL and JVM. the 6100 is rare but its arguable if the 6100 is iconic. for the small cult of 6100 owners including myself, it's a legend but many...
  19. W

    is the JVM among the greatest marshalls of all time?

    one thing for sure is i haven't heard of so many modern metal bands using marshalls until the JVM came out.
  20. W

    is the JVM among the greatest marshalls of all time?

    the DSL is another amp that has place in these ranks due it sales(marshalls most popular selling tube amp) and how closely it emulates the plexis and 2203s. the idea of having a great clean, hi-gain sounds and two iconic vintage sounds in one amp has sold well.