How do you guys deal with road ragers?

  • Thread starter mott555
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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2013
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I seem to be having some trouble adapting to city traffic. It's rare that I can go anywhere without someone else driving like a blind paraplegic and nearly causing an accident, then getting upset at ME like it's my fault they're texting, eating, and watching Netflix on their iPad while going 70 in a 35 zone, straddling two lanes, and running every stoplight in town. It's as if they're homed in on me like a missile. The NSA monitoring device on my chassis must double as a moron-magnet.

This morning, I pulled onto the street and there was a car 70 - 80 yards away so I thought I was safe. Well it was going way too fast and almost rear-ended me, then the driver laid on the horn and backed off to a safe distance.

She was really upset that she had to quit speeding behind me and decided to push me around some. To get a picture of how ridiculous this was, she was driving a Mitsubishi Eclipse. For those of you who don't know what an Eclipse is, it's a little two-door fake sports car for people who can't afford a real fake sports car such as a Mustang. It's one step down from a Grand Am with alloy rims as far as sports-car-iness. I drive a diesel-powered four-door Silverado 2500HD with a factory 3" lift kit. Except for buses, I'm typically the largest vehicle on the road. My truck outweighs her car by more than double!

I kept from acting on it, but I really, really wanted to tap my brakes and cause her to rear-end me. I've been rear-ended by much worse before, and it didn't damage my truck at all but totaled the other car. She couldn't have been more than a foot or two away and we were going 40 mph by this point so even the lightest braking would have done it. Her front end would have been wedged and crushed under my bed. Eventually she passed me, glaring at me the whole time. I watched her speed away, changing lanes every few seconds to get ahead of the next car. I wonder how many more near-accidents she had this morning.

I wonder if I'd have done her a favor. The sooner she realizes she and her faux-sports car are not invulnerable, the safer the roads will be when she's driving.

These drivers really make me terrified of what'll happen when my motorcycle gets repaired and I switch from a 7,000-pound vehicle to a 240-pounder for my daily driving. Maybe I should trade my bike for a hay spike, perhaps people will be more sensible around me if tailgating means risking getting impaled by a 5-foot-long steel spike.

You guys got any stories of other drivers that just make your blood boil?

Far Rider

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Apr 11, 2011
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I have often thought of letting myself get rear ended by a tailgater, but then I realize that getting my Jeep fixed and all the related hassle might cause me more trouble than it's worth.


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Sep 12, 2006
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I'm not sure.
I have often thought of letting myself get rear ended by a tailgater, but then I realize that getting my Jeep fixed and all the related hassle might cause me more trouble than it's worth.

Absolutely. Anyone who lets themself get rear ended will certainly regret it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2013
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On an Island
Mott -

I feel your pain brother. Figure out a way to let it roll off your shoulders. It can eat you up - road rage is very contagious. Come in here and have yourself a good rant. Just know that ANY show of aggression on the road can be a stiff legal penalty.

My cousin spent a night in jail for throwing a paper cup at a lady while they were on the Hwy. It was a similar scenario that you described. Worse, his arrest occured a year after the incident. His act was reported by the lady and another witness to 911 - so that put a warrant out for his arrest. One day he was pulled over for speeding and the next thing you know he was locked up with a record of violent behavior.

Peace be with ya!


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2013
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Mott -

I feel your pain brother. Figure out a way to let it roll off your shoulders. It can eat you up - road rage is very contagious. Come in here and have yourself a good rant. Just know that ANY show of aggression on the road can be a stiff legal penalty.

This is what bugs me, it actually got to me. Normally I'm a very cool-headed guy. I've had people try to anger me on purpose just to see if it could be done and they haven't succeeded yet. I guess it's different when it's some random person you've never met instead of someone you know and expect will be pushing your buttons.

I just moved here from rural Missouri, in a town of 11,000 people and most of the towns in the area were population 100 - 1000. Except for Jimmy John's drivers and college kids on their 49cc scooters, you didn't have to worry about anything on the road in town. The difference is startling to me.

Far Rider

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Apr 11, 2011
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When I was 17 (many centuries ago :lol:) I got into an incident with a guy and thought that I had to defend my manhood. All I got for my trouble was 7 stitches below my right eye. Lesson learned.

The Ozzk

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Mar 28, 2011
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Calgary, AB
I don't understand people who get in their vehicles angry. Vehicles are very dangerous. They kill people and you'll face thousands of them on your daily commute.

I simply let it go. Obviously, they have greater problems than I do.


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2012
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Yeah agreed! things in this town were getting to the point where someone would pull a gun on the other driver. watch out for cars with 4 or more big guys!

I had a guy didn't like when I put him in his place ( I saw him cut someone else off and I blocked his cut in front of me. you can see it comming most of the time)
BUT this guy was a 'pro'. he'd taken the front number plate off the front of his car, put it inside the car behind the sun visor. as soon as i saw this (too late) I knew this guy was going to do something.
If I had stopped he'd get out, so I turned anywhere and went down any street. I took him KM's out of his direction (I had no appointment) he followed and tried 'tailgateing' as much as he could. I had to go on the wrong side of a tram and turn twice across double lanes to get rid of him.
I had another guy follow me for half an hour,I stopped on the middle of the freeway and go out to see what he wanted. he then called someone on the phone. I drove off and he didn't follow. later that night I was told that the police had rang my house, but they said it was his fault cause he was following me!

Once I had a guy giving me the move along and when he got beside me and gave me the stare, I remembered I had 6 bricks on the floor in the back. I picked it up and showed it to them. (that trick works REALLY well! but it's bad for you if you're in a crash. I've seen what happened to a guy that had a shovel in the back of his 4WD. It sliced the top off his head, his girlfriend's face got planted into the windscreen glass. she was screeming running over to us to get some help with blood pouring all over her)


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2012
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I don't mind walking or catching public transport now. Sometimes the women give you a smile.
Sometimes guys tell you about concerts they've just been to see.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2013
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I don't mind walking or catching public transport now. Sometimes the women give you a smile.
Sometimes guys tell you about concerts they've just been to see.

I don't know about that. People in the city are so angry and withdrawn. In small cities and towns it's nothing to say "Hi" to people you've never met, or join a random group of dudes in the park to throw a football around. Here, just saying "Hello" to a passerby in the apartment hallway leads to death glares, as if they're thinking "Who the hell is this guy and who gave him permission to step into my world?"

I wonder what happens to fill so many people with so much anger.