How do you guys deal with road ragers?

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Mar 25, 2013
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:D I just shoot them between the eyes, stuff them in the Trunk, and make another batch of jerky. This month is Teriyaki.

It's easier than arguing or a confrontation....

:cool::cool: TWIN

I save that for the deer.

I'm not going to be able to go deer hunting this year...I don't have a Nebraska hunter's cert and I may not have enough vacation accumulated (just started a new job) to return to Missouri. It's depressing.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2007
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Tampa, FL
Depends. I normally ignore them, but sometimes I like to feed their anger by specifically blocking them into a slow spot or forcing them to take a turn they didn't want to take. If someone rides my ass too closely I'll just engine break down to 10mph below the limit for spite. I typically never cruise in the left lane nor do I go under the speed limit, so if you're up my ass in the right or middle lane you're just being an asshole.

One time I had this biker on a Harley get all huffy on me because I slowed down, in the right lane mind you, with a good 10 car lengths between me and his motorcycle (I ride too so I'm very conscious of other bikers while in my cage) because my radar detector went off. I was ultimately saving him a speeding ticket since we were both doing a solid 20 over! This dude had the nerve to pull up next to me, flip me the bird, and curse me out. I drove next to him for about another 1-2 miles calling him every name in the book with my finger out the window! First off, that's ****ing stupid. He's on a 650lb Harley-Davidson; I'm in a 3800lb Chrysler. If I was some psychopath I could've easily ran him off the road! So we get up to the next red light, this jack off motions to me to get out of the car like he's going to fight me. I threw my car in park, opened the door, started to get out, and he saw I was some 6'2" lunatic with a bunch of tattoos. Dude got wide-eyed, slammed it into first, and peeled out into an illegal left turn through the red light to get away from me. Some bad ass, huh? I was so pissed off I was gonna get out and kick his ****ing bike over.

Dogs of Doom

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Aug 2, 2012
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Los Angeles
One time I had this biker...
One time, a long, long time ago, well, in the early '90s, I was traveling north on I5 at about 95 mph. Next thing, I look in my rearview mirror & this motorcyclist is coming up on me fast, like as if he hit my truck, we would cut it in ½. So, I punch it to avoid getting hit (who knows how fast I was going at this point, w/ a 490 motor). I look back in the mirror & see him starting to wobble, the wobble turned into swerves, next thing he was over the handle bars, flipping until the bike separated from him & he was spread out like a star on his belly sliding down I5 in a spinning motion. When he came to a stop, he rolled over on his back & sighed.

Because I was going 100+ mph, I was too far up to stop & check him out. I called CHP at my next stop & they said someone already called it in. I guess he survived...


Active Member
Jan 25, 2012
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One time I had this biker on a Harley get all huffy on me because I slowed down... we were both doing a solid 20 over!

Shame on you for speeding in a school zone. That's about the only place a Hardley could do 20 over. :lol: 1983 V65 Magna (and 1990 FXRS)

Alt Freak

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2011
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Here senior citizens drive 20 below the limit, swerve out of their lanes, and are not able to see over the steering wheel. Everyone else texts and drives, rides your bumper, honks at you if you are .2 seconds slow when the light turns green.

In Miami there are simply no rules of driving. It is a death trap.

Alt Freak

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Aug 24, 2011
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One time after a concert I was driving back home on I-95 but not out of the city of Miami yet. There are two HOV lanes that are separated from the rest of the highway with these large plastic posts that are planted in the asphalt every 6 inches or so. It was about 1am and this guy driving pretty fast (was in like a 350z) in the HOV lanes intentionally blasts through the posts making sparks fly everywhere and causing parts of his car and the posts to fly into the air. You just can't understand it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2007
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Tampa, FL
One time, a long, long time ago, well, in the early '90s, I was traveling north on I5 at about 95 mph. Next thing, I look in my rearview mirror & this motorcyclist is coming up on me fast, like as if he hit my truck, we would cut it in ½. So, I punch it to avoid getting hit (who knows how fast I was going at this point, w/ a 490 motor). I look back in the mirror & see him starting to wobble, the wobble turned into swerves, next thing he was over the handle bars, flipping until the bike separated from him & he was spread out like a star on his belly sliding down I5 in a spinning motion. When he came to a stop, he rolled over on his back & sighed.

Because I was going 100+ mph, I was too far up to stop & check him out. I called CHP at my next stop & they said someone already called it in. I guess he survived...

Man! I hope he lived! I worked with this one asshole who brake checked some bikes that were riding his ass which took the one guy out and he got seriously hurt. That ****face came to work after doing it and had the nerve to brag to me about it knowing I ride. I called the cops on his ass and they charged him with a hit and run.

Shame on you for speeding in a school zone. That's about the only place a Hardley could do 20 over. :lol: 1983 V65 Magna (and 1990 FXRS)

Hey now! I used to ride a moderately hot rodded V45 myself. I had to sell that thing because it was impossible to go slow on it. 3rd gear would top out at 105mph and it got there in a split second! After the cops managed to catch my plate on a 120mph fly by, show up at my house 10 minutes later, and then ball me out for a solid 20 minutes about my riding I went inside and listed it on eBay. Took the proceeds and bought my Harley. While I do miss the speed of the Magna, the torque of my Harley makes up for it. Now I can enjoy that feeling of power while not going triple digits. In Harley's defense, my modestly modified blockhead hauls ass. The speedo tops at 125mph and I super buried it once. I'd guess I was going 145mph with more throttle left, but a Harley going that fast is a scary thing indeed, especially a springer. Since I smacked that thing up back in '09 and narrowly avoided an early grave, I ride much, much, much more responsibly now. I'm also no longer in my 20's now, so that feeling of invincibility is starting to fade.


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Oct 25, 2009
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New Zealand
Everyone has road rage. Some more than others, but we all has it yeah.

You can't generalise like that V. That's just not true. I for one don't have any road rage, never have.

I'm not sure why. Although I AM a very patient, peaceful person by nature.
Also, my early driving years were on bikes. Perhaps that trained me to concentrate on the need to survive - in a way that overpowers any need to be angry about how some other drivers just endangered me.

I have had a few spills because of other drivers, but they didn't MEAN to cause a problem: it was just inattention at their end.
I can't get angry about that because I know that I myself am not perfect.

I do live in a busy city, but I don't drive more than twice a month, lately.

Meanwhile, despite being tempted, I can't bring myself to get on a bike again regularly. Seems to me there are too many careless drivers out there.


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2012
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I wink and blow a kiss at them. Male or female it makes no difference to me. It either makes them speed away, or wink and kiss back. Either way I'm not stressed, and I win the day.....


In Memorandum
Sep 3, 2010
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Livermore, CA
I've noticed a lot of drivers at times (myself included), think we are perfect drivers and don't make mistakes. We're never in the wrong, always in the right. That attitude causes people to go off when other drivers make a simple mistake.

Greatest part is, when you make a mistake, which you inevitably do sometimes, you just think "Oh well, just a mistake". At my job, I'm constantly in a van riding around. Probably around thousands of cars a day. The person that cut someone off or what not may be a great driver, but we all make mistakes. The sheer amount of people that are driving around you practically guarentees you'll see some mistakes.

Then there are exceptions, like the lady in a minivan I saw that almost T boned an ambulance going through an intersection with its sirens on. When I see that shit, it makes it hard not to say something racist...


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Jul 9, 2012
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lots of dumb female drivers over here with p plates speeding and on their iphones. They are the worst.


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2011
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I used to either instigate the rage, or join it until I could have killed a guy, that was the wake up call I needed to change forever. I haven't had road rage since. Now, I just brush it off and don't let anyone bother me. In the scheme of things, why sweat the small stuff? Funny thing is, road rage never seems to happen to me anymore

The best advice I can give is: Be good to people, they'll be good to you.

I heard that from a man who saved a young woman's lifes when she drove into a lake. Ive never forgotten


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Oct 25, 2009
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New Zealand
I like to downshift and step in the turbo and just walk away from it all. Fuggem!

That's kinda what I did when I rode bikes (but no turbo - just acceleration).

I think bikes are safest when they are quick. Slow bikes are dangerous.


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2013
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That's kinda what I did when I rode bikes (but no turbo - just acceleration).

I think bikes are safest when they are quick. Slow bikes are dangerous.

I prefer agility. Mine's just a 223cc air-cooled dirt bike, weighs about 240 pounds. It's got some massive shocks and its low weight really makes it easy to turn quickly and safely. I have the feeling that if I'm alert and something ahead of me happens I'll have a good chance at swerving out of the way. I don't have that feeling on the 600+ pound cruisers I've ridden. One time on the interstate I had a semi riding my rear (15 feet away doing 70 mph, this was a 55 mph zone too!) and a car on either side of me, and the one on the right started to change into my lane. I thought I was going to die. Thankfully he eventually saw me and aborted his lane change. If I had been on my dirt bike instead of a borrowed Honda Shadow I think I could have swerved out of the way without skidding/sliding and getting run over by the semi.


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Oct 25, 2009
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New Zealand
I prefer agility. Mine's just a 223cc air-cooled dirt bike, weighs about 240 pounds. It's got some massive shocks and its low weight really makes it easy to turn quickly and safely. I have the feeling that if I'm alert and something ahead of me happens I'll have a good chance at swerving out of the way. I don't have that feeling on the 600+ pound cruisers I've ridden. One time on the interstate I had a semi riding my rear (15 feet away doing 70 mph, this was a 55 mph zone too!) and a car on either side of me, and the one on the right started to change into my lane. I thought I was going to die. Thankfully he eventually saw me and aborted his lane change. If I had been on my dirt bike instead of a borrowed Honda Shadow I think I could have swerved out of the way without skidding/sliding and getting run over by the semi.

I'm with you mott: agility is the main thing.
I was actually thinking of saying "bikes are safest when they are nimble" but I just went with 'quick'.

...started to change into my lane. I thought I was going to die. ...
Yep: I have experienced similar.

If I HAD to ride a bike in my city now.... what kind of bike would I prefer?
I sometimes wonder.

I know there are some light dirt bikes with explosive acceleration....


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2013
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If I HAD to ride a bike in my city now.... what kind of bike would I prefer?
I sometimes wonder.

I know there are some light dirt bikes with explosive acceleration....

Mine goes 0 - 40 mph pretty dang quick. After that it's out of torque and takes quite a while to accelerate further, but that 0 - 40 is really nice to have. I just wish I could get an extra 5 - 10 horsepower out of it, but being air-cooled I've never read a story where someone souped it up without blowing the engine up.

It's a Honda CRF230L by the way. Really great trail bike. I've hit logs I didn't see until it was too late while going 25 - 30 mph and it goes right over them like a champ! Same with really deep potholes, you can totally ignore them when you have shocks that long.


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Sep 19, 2013
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I live in a city of 1 million and the infrastructure just isn't there to support the number of drivers. I also have to commute over a bridge to get to and from work every day.

I see ridiculous drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists on a daily bases.

I drive a half-ton Chevy pickup, so at least I have a little bit of authority when it comes to pushy drivers in little bean cars.

My biggest grievance is the lack of understanding when it comes to merging. Zipper Merging is something that EVERY driver should be taught. It allows traffic to flow in all directions and keeps it moving. If you don't know what Zipper Merging is, please look it up and try to apply it.

Drivers who can't look ahead, speed up, jam on the brakes, etc...this just causes traffic surging and it pisses me off. Look ahead, plan your maneuvers, and drive smoothly. Every time you jam on the brakes, it causes the next guy to slow down more, and so on...causing ridiculous traffic surges.

Drivers that insist on driving right on top of me, even though they can't see over my damn tailgate. Not going to lie, I brake check pretty often for this reason. I keep a big-arsed hitch in my receiver that would do a lot of damage if you ever ran into it.

I try to be a calm driver, but it's so hard in my area with all of the knot heads on the road. It's really bad..