New amp 800, 900 sl-x, jvm ?

  • Thread starter NateCordova
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Dec 23, 2009
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Nate, try a tsl 60. My tsl has way more gain and crunch than my 800. Plus with the 60 watt heads you can get the power tubes singing. Tough to get a 100 watt head loud enough to get power tube distorsion. My tsl 60 is the most versatile amp I own. Real good heavy distorsion for a marshall. Put some kt77 tubes in and it gets even better.

Adrian R

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Jan 28, 2009
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Far North Chicago Burbs'
There is only one shop here in Lisbon that has the JCM800KK and the MXR 10 Band EQ on the catalog. It also has a ibanez TS7 if thats any good, it doenst have the ts808 or the ts9

That was the shop that when i got there i tried the jvm but there was no other high end marshall amps there except the haze and the JVM. Maybe if i phoned them to ask them if they had them both 800 and the mxr eq so i could try it...

Well trying a 900 sl-x is impossible...

**Hey Nate,

Do you mean Lisbon Portugal? If so, OMG!! Man, I went there many times and holy shit..whores FROM HELL! Man did I have a blast there!! Good booze, cheap nasty ass whores..great street side cafes..lotza freaky people....oh the stories..TONS OF THEM..


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Dec 25, 2009
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**Hey Nate,

Do you mean Lisbon Portugal? If so, OMG!! Man, I went there many times and holy shit..whores FROM HELL! Man did I have a blast there!! Good booze, cheap nasty ass whores..great street side cafes..lotza freaky people....oh the stories..TONS OF THEM..

Yeah the same Lisbon lol (is there any other ?xD) Man Lisbon at night is crazy lololol ;) I live in a suburb of Lisbon, but i go to Lisbon by train a lot of times cuz i have guitar classes there.

LOOOOOOOOL hahah i mention Lisbon and the first thing that comes to your head is whores LOOOOL! This country's gone bad to worse xD But your damn right, great street cafes and freak people xD Lisbon's cafe's are very very good, we have good eating habbits in Portugal, at least better than most countrys :p The food here on cafe's is great.

But there is no international musicshops here. All national so no musicstore or guitar center or anything like that. Which is a shame.

The goal to try the 800kk head is just to see the tone and the distortion. I cant really play it that loud on a shop you know lol. But if i like it with the mxr eq i'll search for a 800 2204 used online.

Another thing would maybe be getting a 800 2205 and get someone to mod it, to replace the diode distortion with a valve and add extra gain with another valve like the SL-X and then il have a amp that can switch from distortion to clean and sound mega powerful...right?

Cardiac Tom

Dec 16, 2009
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Woodridge, IL
The goal to try the 800kk head is just to see the tone and the distortion. I cant really play it that loud on a shop you know lol. But if i like it with the mxr eq i'll search for a 800 2204 used online.

If you have the cash in hand you can you attempt at buying an amp and not knowing what it can do...If you are serious about buying it, they'll let you crank it...


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Sep 12, 2006
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I'm not sure.
I think any PROFESSIONAL guitar player would agree that video was a horrible display of amp tone and playing. Oh my God in heaven.

Wrong. A professional would agree that the video was an excellent comparison of two amps played one after the other, then both together. It's purpose was not to showcase the player's ability, it was to compare, side by side, two different amps...and it did just that, so grow up and show some respect.


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Dec 25, 2009
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If you have the cash in hand you can you attempt at buying an amp and not knowing what it can do...If you are serious about buying it, they'll let you crank it...

The amp is not gona be for like tomorrow or next week, atm i have no money for it. But im raising money mega fast and by my birthday two months from now with the cash i'll get plus the money im winning on some...lets say jobs XD il get enough for an amp.

so far 350 euros but il get as much as 800 euros and if i miss a litle bit on cash, my parents help.

I don't have a band yet fully done and i don't gig yet thats why. But i don't think it'l take long. In some months i'm planning on beeing Gig ready at least for covers. I got what appears to be good replys from a drummer and a vocalist.

And when i will start to gig i'll not use my vox DA5, hell ,it doenst even have a footswitch!
So, since i'll spend money on getting something to gig why not just get the best i can ? ;) The dream amp.
If i got something half as good i would still want something better so its kinda a waste of money. I don't like to think : man this sounds cool but if i just had that [insert gear here] it would sound freaking motherf'n epic xD

BTW ... i know im looking for a marshall but this laney actually sounds cool
[ame=]YouTube - Gibson Les Paul Standard with seymour duncan 59 (bridge) and alnico II pro (neck) + LANEY GH100L[/ame]

Can't really tell much on bottom end but its got scratchy, screamy, very rocker like powerchords. check the chords on 4:25- 4:30 kinda like that.

What are your thoughts on this amp? It really sounds like a marshall.

Though i dont know how it holds on metal hmmmm. My guitar teacher has one, next week i'll ask him bout it.
Edit: geez fuck they are single channel :mad:!!!!! They do have footswitchable gain boost though...i cud try that guitar volume thing.
Il ask my teacher...


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Dec 23, 2009
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All grown up and have plenty of respect. Was just sayin the video showed me nothing other than a pair of amps both sounding like crap. If I was looking to buy either of those amp I will tell youn right now that video would not have helped one bit. Sorry if you think that sounded good...


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Dec 23, 2009
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I woul like to say I'm sorry if I offended anyone on this thread with the whole 5150 thing. It got out of hand and I am sorry. Anyway nate, you may want to try a jvm. In my opinion it has the most usuable crunch and gain of any marshall in stock form. Put an mxr wylde overdrive in front and you will get all the magadeth tones you dream of. Or you could get a 5150 for less than half the money and go to and buy the kt88/6l6 combo and have a real beast on hand. If you must go marshall then I think the jvm or a dsl/tsl would be best for you. My tsl 60 is one of my favorate amps. Awesome distorsion and a great clean sound. The 60 watt heads you can really turn up and get power tube distorsion. Hard to get a 100 or 120 watt head that loud ya know?


New Member
Dec 23, 2009
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I would like to say I'm sorry if I offended anyone on this thread with the whole 5150 thing. It got out of hand and I am sorry. Anyway nate, you may want to try a jvm. In my opinion it has the most usuable crunch and gain of any marshall in stock form. Put an mxr wylde overdrive in front and you will get all the magadeth tones you dream of. Or you could get a 5150 for less than half the money and go to and buy the kt88/6l6 combo and have a real beast on hand. If you must go marshall then I think the jvm or a dsl/tsl would be best for you. My tsl 60 is one of my favorate amps. Awesome distorsion and a great clean sound. The 60 watt heads you can really turn up and get power tube distorsion. Hard to get a 100 or 120 watt head that loud ya know?

big dooley

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Sep 2, 2008
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the part where you fought with every fibre of your body stating the 5150 is the best in your opinion (always use the "IMO" from now on) wasn't offending... everybody has a taste of their own, which is a very good thing...

but calling a human being names,
especially when using the word gay, for somebody you think is utterly wrong, may offend people, which aren't heterosexual... in fact in my country you can get arrested for discriminating behaviour
that's why i pressed the button, nothing more, no offence...


New Member
Dec 23, 2009
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LOL. Whatever dude could not possibly care any less. I am finding that 90% of every person on this forum has no idea what they are talking about. In just 3 days I have been given a whole bunch of incorrect info!!!! Closet musicians with 0 experience in the field brother. Also to the person that said "NOT", I wasnt sayin they were gay as in they like men just that they were gay because when you say NOT it's pretty gay dude! Whatever, not gonna argue with closet guitar players anymore, see ya!


New Member
Sep 12, 2006
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I'm not sure.
LOL. Whatever dude could not possibly care any less. I am finding that 90% of every person on this forum has no idea what they are talking about. In just 3 days I have been given a whole bunch of incorrect info!!!! Closet musicians with 0 experience in the field brother. Also to the person that said "NOT", I wasnt sayin they were gay as in they like men just that they were gay because when you say NOT it's pretty gay dude! Whatever, not gonna argue with closet guitar players anymore, see ya!

So, you have experience, and you don't know what "stereo" is? That's pretty sad. You lost all credibility.

See ya.

Good, maybe I won't have to waste my time banning you.

Arrogance combined with ignorance is a terrible thing.
Don't let the door hit you on the ass.

Sorry, back to the thead topic....


New Member
Dec 23, 2009
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Never had experience with my rig in stereo no. But I sure know what stereo is!!! <mod edit>

big dooley

Well-Known Member
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Sep 2, 2008
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Good, maybe I won't have to waste my time banning you.

it wouldn't be a waste of time in my opinion and i'm sure the others will agree
but i don't want to influence you, so for this time i'll simply ignore him

it's sad... i tried to reach out my hand, but he just chopped off my arm...


New Member
Dec 25, 2009
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Today i was at the place in which i'll make the auditions for my band .

They have a line 6 spider 150 , a marshall valvestate and a pod x3 live.
Now. For one, the distorion on the spider kinda sucks. Its usable, but sucks when compared to others. The valvestate was better, it responded a little better to picking dynamics, and more crunch and lezz fzzl to it. But the pod x3 live preset that the owner of the studio dialed was a bit better.

now, i won't get any of those amps, its usable but doenst have the sound im looking for.

But it made me realise something. I need something that comes in handy in an band situation. It must have big bottom end and crunch distortion like the jcm800 KKs can (altho i wont scoop mids!). But...I NEED A GODDAMN footswitchable clean that sounds nice and can also manage its volume seperatly.

Therefor ,2 channels with not only difrent gain but volume each too. A seperate EQ would be nice too and reverb.

It doesnt matter if i sound awesome if its not pratical! Or the cleans sound like shit and very low volume!

This leaves us with some options.

JVM, 6100 LM, 2000... As far as marshall amps obviously.
The others always need a boost or a pratical clean channel.

I saw this video and the jvm really sounds better on this video in all ways than the 6100. As i cant try the 6100 maybe i think i won't get one since the jvm seems better. But maybe its just the video. The eq on the video sucks though. But still the jvm is better. And also has seperate reverb for my cleans :) which means it sounds better than the 6100. As it appears on this video

Edit: but here the 6100 just destroys the jvm O.o


Thats wierd :S

Also i didnt really bout this but...
What you think of a rack system?

A marshall jmp-1 with a 20 watts power amp?

Would it have that peace sells like sound and crunch that im looking for with a great saturation for stuff live and in band reharses? (i dont know if i misspeled it, english aint my mother tongue) I would kinda use this thing on 7 or 8 in volume live =P For band pratice, clubs and small outdoor gigs. And it does has footswitchable stuff right?
The thing is it kinda sounds sterile from the videos i seen in youtube O.o is it really sterile? how can that be, it has valves in it for gods sake!


New Member
Dec 23, 2009
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*mod edit*

To jonxlh99: your post has been deleted. Grow up and act like an adult, we don't want your childish, disrespectful attitude here. People come here to socialize and share ideas, information, and positive, friendly conversation. It's not important how well anyone plays guitar, and we don't tolerate insults. Join the family, or leave.

*end edit*
Last edited by a moderator:


New Member
Dec 25, 2009
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Since it's not really very expensive when i get the new amp i'll also get new pickups. I was thinking Seymour Duncan SH4 Cuz thats what a lot of guys in the tone i mentioned use. Does it help on the CRrunchhhhh sound? Megadeth used it. Rhoads used and his solos have great tone. Much better than emgs.

Im sick of that tone it helps to the "this is the end of the world, blahhh feel the wrath of zeus" scooped sound on most metal bands.
It makes it sound threatning and thunderous but dry and dead. Hell i liked my les paul stock pickups better than the EMGs that a guy i played today had on his old and very expensive King V.

Is there pickups with more crunch than it that also make the sound alive?
I also heard that bareknuckles are nice. I want the most crunchy and chunky sound as possible. I think SH4's are great for this from what ive heard but im just asking if thers more?

My guitar is a epiphone les paul standard plus top. Its got a really strong bass to it. It should match well with pickups with a lot of mids and highs.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2008
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The frozen hell called Canada !
i know we are not really talking about pick ups on this thread , but i really like my SH4's in my Ibanez guitars , a very good all around pick ups IMO !! as for amp talk , there's nothing wrong with the 5150 series of amps , they do sound good to me as well , but
i still prefer to get the job done with a marshall , i'm from the old school of rock .

Cardiac Tom

Dec 16, 2009
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Woodridge, IL
Today i was at the place in which i'll make the auditions for my band .

They have a line 6 spider 150 , a marshall valvestate and a pod x3 live.
Now. For one, the distorion on the spider kinda sucks. Its usable, but sucks when compared to others. The valvestate was better, it responded a little better to picking dynamics, and more crunch and lezz fzzl to it. But the pod x3 live preset that the owner of the studio dialed was a bit better.

now, i won't get any of those amps, its usable but doenst have the sound im looking for.

But it made me realise something. I need something that comes in handy in an band situation. It must have big bottom end and crunch distortion like the jcm800 KKs can (altho i wont scoop mids!). But...I NEED A GODDAMN footswitchable clean that sounds nice and can also manage its volume seperatly.

Therefor ,2 channels with not only difrent gain but volume each too. A seperate EQ would be nice too and reverb.

It doesnt matter if i sound awesome if its not pratical! Or the cleans sound like shit and very low volume!

This leaves us with some options.

JVM, 6100 LM, 2000... As far as marshall amps obviously.
The others always need a boost or a pratical clean channel.

I saw this video and the jvm really sounds better on this video in all ways than the 6100. As i cant try the 6100 maybe i think i won't get one since the jvm seems better. But maybe its just the video. The eq on the video sucks though. But still the jvm is better. And also has seperate reverb for my cleans :) which means it sounds better than the 6100. As it appears on this video
YouTube - Marshall JVM vs Marshall 6100

Edit: but here the 6100 just destroys the jvm O.o

YouTube - 6100 crunch vs. JVM crunch

Thats wierd :S

Also i didnt really bout this but...
What you think of a rack system?

A marshall jmp-1 with a 20 watts power amp?

Would it have that peace sells like sound and crunch that im looking for with a great saturation for stuff live and in band reharses? (i dont know if i misspeled it, english aint my mother tongue) I would kinda use this thing on 7 or 8 in volume live =P For band pratice, clubs and small outdoor gigs. And it does has footswitchable stuff right?
The thing is it kinda sounds sterile from the videos i seen in youtube O.o is it really sterile? how can that be, it has valves in it for gods sake!


You're starting to make my head spin...There is so much stuff you are asking about and I think you are distracting yourself...Like I said earlier, get a gut reaction and try something out...I don't really know much other than what I play...I know I can dial in a sound you are looking for with my minimal gear...I think you are thinking about this too much. I know it is a big jump and a committment, but you have to try the stuff out for yourself and not rely on all these videos and stuff.

Everyone is different and will sound different...Again, just start trying stuff out...

Again, I'm not trying to be a dick or not help you, but I have just lost track on everything we have talked about...

I'm sure the 15 beers I have consumed has something to do with it too... :D


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2008
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The frozen hell called Canada !
LOL. Whatever dude could not possibly care any less. I am finding that 90% of every person on this forum has no idea what they are talking about. In just 3 days I have been given a whole bunch of incorrect info!!!! Closet musicians with 0 experience in the field brother. Also to the person that said "NOT", I wasnt sayin they were gay as in they like men just that they were gay because when you say NOT it's pretty gay dude! Whatever, not gonna argue with closet guitar players anymore, see ya!

I feel the need to make a comment here !!

I have lurked around many forums on the web all based around music gear etc . THere always seems to be the one forum clown that spouts off at the mouth telling everyone how they don't know shit from good chocolate , and they suck at there instrument etc etc !! I have learned alot from my 40 years on this planet and that is most of the time the guy who is flappin there gums in this negative fashion is really the one who has the short comings if ya catch my drift !!!!!! :mad:

This forum has some of the very best technical members of any forum i have seen period !. I can't speak for other forum members here , but the comment about all of us being "closet rockers" with no experience has offended me in a big way , i will freely admit that i'm no wizz on the 6 string . but i have put in over 10 years on & off the road as a working musician ! !! and been playing
the guitar for over 20 years now !! i think that qualifies me as a non closet
rocker don't ya think !!!:hmm:

If you decide to stay on this forum , please watch what you say , how you say it , and to whom you say it !! there is alot of veteran guys on this forum who deserve your respect !

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