New amp 800, 900 sl-x, jvm ?

  • Thread starter NateCordova
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Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2009
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You have become a true legend here. Be thankful that the Vike, myself, Mr. Strat or the Maj didn't get in here earlier. You'd be crying there in front of your computer for a lack of comebacks. People like you are too good in their own opinion to admit that there is more to learn. Therefore take you leave along with your incredible advice that no one will take due to your pigheadedness.

Nate: Concerning your choice of amp, how many can you get to and play? I'm still a huge proponent of narrowing it down to two or maybe three and then go try 'em out.


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Dec 25, 2009
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Well i think i can try a jcm 800 KK and a JVM at a musicstore. I tried the JVM with a guitar just like mine. Very nice amp except the solos are very harsh sounding (would get a noise gate for that maybe?) and cudnt really dial a good clean but i guess i can if i tryed more. Great reverb btw. Its close to what i want but there seems to be maybe not the best choice in distortions.

Btw i know it's just another video and all.

But ...i think i found something very very cool.

Its this

[ame=]YouTube - Soldano Hot Rod 50 Plus King of Rock And Roll Dio Cover[/ame]

The tone is awesome even though he's recording straight to the pc. This is just what i want in distortion. And it has 2 channels, 50 watts
And notice the upside down chords? i love to do them!

Its a Soldano Hot Rod +

50 watts, 2 Channels, Clean and Overdrive

YES i know it's pretty expensive right? But btw i found one used in bay for 950 dolllars. Maybe they dont ship to portugal but hey 950 euros is 650 euros, if i need to pay 100 euros for the shipping it wud still pay off. BUT i aint gonna buy this yet, i need the amp not for now but in months.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2008
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The frozen hell called Canada !
back in the mid 90's i had a chance to play one of these hotrod 50 's , It was a great
sounding amp i thought , kind of a 1 trick pony !! but a cool amp !!
But i think your on the right track with the JVM or 6100 amps !!!

As for the video you posted , you don't see that very often , a floyd in a Les Paul !!


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Dec 23, 2009
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Don't need any comebacks my music does all the talking unlike all you other fools. Just a friendly reminder having 100 stacks and 30 guitars dosen't make you sound good! go ahead and give it a listen. I am not afraid to post it because I know it's better than anything I have heard from you clowns that think you know it all about everything. Also to Nate just buy an amp for god sake. Every amp you play you say sounds bad! Maybe it's you who sounds bad????


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2009
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Hey jon rabbit boy: Cry US a river. Whoopty do. You've got a myspace, just like every other jackass who thinks they're the ultimate player on this planet. You don't sound bad, but I wouldn't say you're near as good as your own skewed opinion dictates. I've heard plenty better, and plenty on this forum who own you....without the additude. And your tone? Yeah, just keep trying to convince us with that crap.

:wow: :wow: :wow:Here comes the Language.

Walk out of this forum before you get canned by the mod and we waylay you for untold years. The very mention of your name will remind the rest of us about how stupid you are. You don't walk in here and start bashing the members, the amps, the knowledge or the technique and get away with it. You were stupid enough to do it once and apologize, then even smarter to do it again after you get a reprieve. Wow. Waste of skin. :applause:

Who do you think you are? The BEST? Try again, freak. And even if you were the best ( :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: ) it wouldn't change the fact that you are a common reject. REJECT. Go somewhere else where your talent can be appreciated....emo conventions, rest homes, vampire forums.

I recommend that all forum members do as he says and roll on over to Myspace and check out his music.....and remember: This is what he claims is better than Anyone here, and the sound that holds sway over yours.

Good grief, Charlie Brown! I think it's time for one of these:

Get out, you worthless piece of junk. And now, the cursing-like all unhappy children do:


New Member
Sep 12, 2006
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I'm not sure.
I checked out his MySpace too, I was waiting for some ground breaking guitar playing to back up his attitude and I was disappointed. Like you said, it wasn't terrible, but no way did it live up to his hype.


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2009
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I checked out his MySpace too, I was waiting for some ground breaking guitar playing to back up his attitude and I was disappointed. Like you said, it wasn't terrible, but no way did it live up to his hype.

:wow: SHOCKER! :wow: +1
Everyone: Go there now. Be amazed. :thumb: :slap:


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2008
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At certain points this thread states that 900 SL-X's are 800's on sterioids. From some of the things I have read the earlier 900 MKIII's fit this description but not the SL-X's, as the SL-X's introduced more clipping etc. I'm not saying I agree, just throwing it out there.

I also saw mention of Laney GH series, I have the GHL50 and it is a lot like an 800 in my opinion, with a switchable gain to give an extra 12ax7, actually a very awesome amp.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2008
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The frozen hell called Canada !
I checked out his MySpace too, I was waiting for some ground breaking guitar playing to back up his attitude and I was disappointed. Like you said, it wasn't terrible, but no way did it live up to his hype.

where do we go to hear this ground breaking , earth moving , music business
changing , rewrite the guitar books music from jonxlh99 !!!! all i can say is ,
it better be good !!!

if you could post a link , that would be cool !!:io:


New Member
Sep 12, 2006
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I'm not sure.
where do we go to hear this ground breaking , earth moving , music business
changing , rewrite the guitar books music from jonxlh99 !!!! all i can say is ,
it better be good !!!

if you could post a link , that would be cool !!:io:

I'm not posting a link to it, but he mentions it in an earlier post.


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2009
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Back to the original thread, since jonhxlidhth77827479204=+!$ hijacked it:

Nate, what are you going to do bro? Go play a few heads and tell us what you've decided. You've got good taste in amps, just gotta pick one out!


New Member
Sep 12, 2006
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I'm not sure.
My apologies to NateCordova for letting this thread go sour.

Have you considered a DSL 100 (or 50)? They are quite versatile amps, capable of many flavors of Marshall tone.


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Dec 25, 2009
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I can't test a soldano or a 6100.
But maybee if i my guitar teacher has it home i can test his laney gh50 although i doubt it since probably he uses one for reharsing in a town very far away from here xD But hey if i'll try and say im interested =P

But i can test the 800KK and the JVM on a musicstore. Maybe the bugera 1990 too.


Apologies accepted =P. I Thank you for banning him, i was getting sick of him lol.

Im not desorientaded, i may not know the entire market but I know the exact sound of what i want best.

I can recognize amp brands that certain bands use. Without searching for that info i can identify it. Papa Roach just sounds like damn marshall. Blood Brothers is definatly a marshall. I knew it for months and when i saw on marshall site Papa Roach saying it was their amp i said: oh i knew it!

Same thing for machine head. When i heard the peavey 5150 on youtube i just knew it. This is machine head's tone. And it is the amp they use, i found out after all.

Man do you know dio's songs ? Holy Diver per instance. Its definatly a Marshall. And it has that 80's feel. Its probably a 800. See? I went to wikipedia. Its actually Jack E Lee, the same guy from Bark at the Moon with ozzy. Man i love this guitarrist! I want his tone man with just more gain and a bit more mahogany body like sound on guitar (my les pauls handles it :). The same crush power. It just has this awesome crunch. I don't want a modern sounding version of the 800, I want that 80s sound as close as possible. Slash, Dave Mustaine, Jack E Lee.

I have considered the DSL 50 yeah buts its more modern sounding right? I dont wan't that.


New Member
Sep 12, 2006
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I'm not sure.
If you like Jake E. Lee with Ozzy, check out his own band, Badlands.

The DSL doesn't have to sound modern, it has modes that can approach the older Marshall tones. I've been using a DSL 100 for the last couple of months at a rehearsal studio, and I like it. I play classic rock, not modern metal.


New Member
Dec 25, 2009
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If you like Jake E. Lee with Ozzy, check out his own band, Badlands.

The DSL doesn't have to sound modern, it has modes that can approach the older Marshall tones. I've been using a DSL 100 for the last couple of months at a rehearsal studio, and I like it. I play classic rock, not modern metal.

I didnt know that about modes. I can maybe test one at the musicstores. There are two that have it on the catalog so maybe they do in the shops.

But would it nail it better than the others mentioned?

Also i didnt get a reply on this, what about the rack system ?

marshall jmp-1 with 20 watt power amp.
Dave mustaine used a jmp-1 pre amp on a jcm 800 right?

I heard the jmp-1 sounds sterile. And on some youtube videos it sounds solid stateish. is this true?

I have someone in a portuguese forum selling a jmp-1 and a pre amp.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2008
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The frozen hell called Canada !
i have played on a JMP-1 and they can sound very good when matched up with the right power amp & cab , you might end up spending more money that way though .
But you get the versatility of many different sounds all packed into one unit . I have to agree here with a few other members that you will have to go out and play on a few different amps and get an idea as to what amp YOU like , that will help you alot with
the amp selection .

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