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  1. N

    The Official Marshall DSL40c Information Thread

    Eminence Reignmaker. The one that allows you to attenuate the volume with a knob on the speaker
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    The Official Marshall DSL40c Information Thread

    Well, I replaced the stock speaker and the amp works again. While I had the amp opened, I gave it a bias. Works again
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    The Official Marshall DSL40c Information Thread

    Guys, just wanted to find out if you have blown a speaker with this amp, regardless of amp settings? I am asking this on the back of a blown speaker which is rated at 75W and kinda feeling bummed about it because it is one of those rare occasions where I get to crank the amp and the speaker...
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    The Official Marshall DSL40c Information Thread

    I have been using a ECC823 in v2 and I'm liking it. Makes the red channel quite usable.
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    Love My Dsl40c, But...

    To add to the discussion, when the volume level is low, the effect of the bright cap evident. As you turn up the volume, the effect of the bright cap is less. I believe this was the motivation to the DIY mods that are popular around here.
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    Pro Co Rat

    In addition to the various versions that Proco has released, there is a plethora of copy pedals..
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    Used to train Kyokushin for about a year and a half. Enjoyed it somewhat and I am now looking for another martial art to train in. Considering either wingchun or boxing.
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    Wife's Brain Surgery This Thursday

    Prayers for you. Hope all goes well!
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    You May Have Too Many Marshalls ....

    Congrats on the new cab. So far, I've managed to sneak in some pedals. But I got caught sneaking in a used Rat pedal the other day.
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    Lame jokes

    Really funny!!
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    Tuning Issues

    Perhaps, the string has come to the end of its useful life?
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    New Marshall CODE digital amp series

    Really looking forward to hear this amp in the same room and not through some demos. Also, I think the point that a previous poster made about the amp retaining qualities like single coil feeling like a single coil etc. will be crucial for me.
  13. N

    Members Who Own DSL 40C's A Question for You...

    I find that to be so on my DSL 40C.
  14. N

    The Official Marshall DSL40c Information Thread

    Could it be your amp settings? I have found that when the volumes are raised, certain settings ie TMB need to be tweaked. Moving the amp into a different room also requires that small tweak. Sometimes, even raising the amp off the floor also changes the sound quite dramatically.
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    Speaker swap for dummies

    Just be careful of the power valves as you pull out the original speaker. Also certain screws may be hard to tighten after you've replaced it with your new speaker.
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    Best speaker for DSL40C

    +1 to the comment about *best* being subjective. Other members have contributed the speakers that they have tried and liked and I would like to share as well. For my home use, I find that the Eminence Reignmaker to be a good fit as I am able to dial down the volume while raise the amp controls
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    Steps for C19 Mod DSL40C for a Noob?

    What have you considered before wanting to do this mod?
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    What Strings

    D'Addario EXLs for me as well. If you've got extra change, you could try the new NYXL to see if it floats your boat.
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    The Official Marshall DSL40c Information Thread

    Hi all, Just dropping in to let you know that I've biased my DSL40C yesterday and it went well without a hitch. Plate voltage was at 486V for both power tubes and biased them to about 36mV. Thanks to all of you guys because without this forum and all the pictures involved, I don't think that I...
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    Did you try it with a different guitar cable?